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Annoying ambulance chasers

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Ok I am, as I am sure a lot of others are, fed up with the text messages offering to help with compo claims or ppi claims or help with my debts (none of which I have or need) but yesterday I got a PHONECALL from one of these ambulance chasing parrasites asking if I wanted to claim for an accident that they reckon I had had (must have been a bad one because my memory of it is none existant and I have no recollection of it (Sarcasm))

Anyway they rambled on for a bit saying how they wanted to help, funny thing was when I asked how they had got my number she said something about public information network?? when I mentioned that someone appears to have breached the data protection act with my info and I wanted to speak to her supervisor hmmm they hung up.

When will this americanised type litigation culture stop. I am all in favour of claims when needed and approprate but this plying for trade and business by vengeful supposed reputable companies is just going to cost us all in the long run and for what?

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Its the same with the PPI reclaim companies.....I had one a while ago telling me that I could claim and they would like to discuss it with me. I kept telling him it wasn't mis-sold to me, to which he kept replying that its worth a try etc etc. As soon as I told him I actually worked at the same bank, at the actual time, as a LOAN AND PPI advisor, he quickly said goodbye :D

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I had a fall in the ice last year and banged my head. Went to hospital to get it checked out and fortunately didn't do any damage. A few weeks later I was bombarded with texts about claiming for my accident. I presumed they got the number from the hospital. I was going to raise this with Hallamshire Hospital but forgot about it. I can't see any other way that they got my number.

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I keep getting calls becuase my mum had a bump in november and as i organised her insurance i put my mobile as the contact specifically so she wouldnt be hassled by these kinds of fools.


I like seeing how much information they will give me before i ask them how they are verifying if i am authorised to speak for her.

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I once got one of these call and when I said I'd had an accident you could almost hear the excitement in there voice until I told them he was going to be 21 next they soon changed tone lol

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I keep getting calls becuase my mum had a bump in november and as i organised her insurance i put my mobile as the contact specifically so she wouldnt be hassled by these kinds of fools.


I like seeing how much information they will give me before i ask them how they are verifying if i am authorised to speak for her.


Do you think someone at the walk-in at Hallamshire is selling contact details? (see my earlier post)

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No it was car bump not medical bump. I always ask where they got the details from and its always the same repsonse


"we get a mailing list of people to contact, im not sure where it comes from"

the insurance people sell them in my opinion.

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Generally - price comparison sites, and other similar companies where you enter your details for quotes etc.


It's also very important that you realise that these are not solicitors. They are accident management companies, who are extremely irritating (even to us Solicitors). They make money by selling claims to smaller firms, and that's all that matters to them. I wouldn't touch an accident management company with a barge pole, if I owned a barge, or a barge pole. Which I don't.

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My OH got a call a couple of weeks ago, Sir I understand you had an accident in July, errrm yes, well we have good news for you, errrm really, yes I understand you were hurt in the accident, errrm no the vehicle was parked with no-one in it. No reply they hung up!

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