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ATOS and where the real money is spent.

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Yes that does make it frustrating! However it depends on what sort of healthcare professional they are? As I feel doctors esp GP'S only have general knowledge hence GP. Whereas as specialist doctor well would have the deeper aquired knowledge. So sometimes a healthcare professional who works with patients on a long term basis would actually have more ideas of how a conditon afffects someone on a daily basis.


once again


DSA/ESA assessments DO NOT challenge your DIAGNOSIS


they are to assess your activities of daily living and ability to undertake normal activities such as travelling and the day to day things that you can do in the workplace etc - because the criteria for DSA are based on care needs and mobility needs not on diagnosis.


Doctors are NOT experts on this they are experts at diagnosis, prognosis and planning medical interventions ( and if they are surgically trained doing interventions) and most will freely admit this, even in the specialised areas of care , Nurses, Physios and OTs are - because this is what we do day in day out .

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Your words of significant and costly are at odds with my word of "reasonable" .


To give someone an adapted chair is not necessarily that costly.

To allow someone to attend work at 10.00 rather than 9.00 is not that costly.

To provide an handrail is not that costly.

To allow a 10 minute break is not that costly.

To screen an area so that someone can inject for their diabetes - is not that costly.


The law says "reasonable".




changing a work process to eliminate manual handling is not only reasonable, it should have been done 20 years ago under the Manual handling Ops Regulations ... and has potential benefits for other employeesin preventing manual handling related injuries


acknowledging that someone with a chronic condition may require additional episodes of sick leave and adjusting the point at which attendance reviews etc are triggered is reasonable ( especially if the absences are supported by the relevant fit notes )


installing speech to text software for someone who has difficulty typing due to reduce power / movement in their hands and wrists is reasonable


re arranging office layouts without building works or providing reserved desks in what is normally a hot desking environment is reasonable ( so is moving modular partitions in modular partitioned building - but it might not be reasonable if you have to knock down actual woalls )

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As the way the benefits are assesed at the moment, ESA is about your abillity to work, and DLA is about how your disabillity affects your daily life. My fear is that when DLA changes to Personal Independance Payment, this major difference will be lost. More on a fun point, a video I made about ATOS

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changing a work process to eliminate manual handling is not only reasonable, it should have been done 20 years ago under the Manual handling Ops Regulations ... and has potential benefits for other employeesin preventing manual handling related injuries


acknowledging that someone with a chronic condition may require additional episodes of sick leave and adjusting the point at which attendance reviews etc are triggered is reasonable ( especially if the absences are supported by the relevant fit notes )


installing speech to text software for someone who has difficulty typing due to reduce power / movement in their hands and wrists is reasonable


re arranging office layouts without building works or providing reserved desks in what is normally a hot desking environment is reasonable ( so is moving modular partitions in modular partitioned building - but it might not be reasonable if you have to knock down actual woalls )


I know people undertaking this work. I'm not sure exactly how it works but I can find out; I suspect applicants have to achieve a minimum target score from all questions. They are just desk monkeys that ask set questions and don't have any medical background because if they did they'd be out there doing it. What's worse is that this jack of all trade business is set to bid for more privatised government departments.

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Nurse,and no I don't work for ATOS .


Thank you for clarifying.


So in your medical opinion, does LiMA provide an adequate assessment of whether someone can meet the descriptors repeatedly and consistently, as they would have to in a real work situation? And does it adequately account for the debilitating effects of pain and fatigue?


I'm not a healthcare professional, and I don't claim benefit so have no first-hand experience, so I'm honestly curious as to how adequate LiMA actually is and what relevance the test has to the real work environment.

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I know people undertaking this work. I'm not sure exactly how it works but I can find out; I suspect applicants have to achieve a minimum target score from all questions. They are just desk monkeys that ask set questions and don't have any medical background because if they did they'd be out there doing it. What's worse is that this jack of all trade business is set to bid for more privatised government departments.


The descriptors and scores are here: http://www.tameside.gov.uk/esa/wca

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Here is the point system, physical 15 points, mental health 10 points. Some of the assesors cleverly twist people's answers aswell. I do wish for protection of the claimant and even the assesor that the interviews were taped. However they are not, and my best advice for anyone facing one of these interviews, is take another person with you, and invest your money in a dictaphone. Tape the entire interview, as you will know what was said, and what was made up. It's the only protection we have, as these people are lying about what was said. If anyone is going through mental health problems, and is facing a medical assesment, please come to MHAG and get some free advice.

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