Having tried to renew my mobility bus pass, I have been refused. I have done everything by the book, told them my illnesses, and disabilities. I have an option to appeal, but only if my psychiatrist fills the appeal form in. They have took no notice of my physical ailments, and told me a gp is not allowed to fill the appeal form in.
In Rotherham, Barnsley, and Doncaster GP's are allowed to fill bus pass forms in. In Sheffield only CPN's, Psychartrists and physiotherapists are allowed to fill them in.
So how does a person without any of the above go on? I have no psychiatrist, no physio, and no cpn, just a gp who understands my conditions, and is quite prepared to sign my appeal, but is not allowed. I'm sure many people have been treated unfairly like this.
I am more concerned that Sheffield city council is setting their own parameters and making it impossible for disabled people to get a bus pass to save money.