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Cabbage Soup diet anyone ??

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hi has anyone tried the Cabbage Soup diet just making it up and starting tomorrow :gag:

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Can I ask why? It isn't healthy and it isn't sustainable. In long run it isn't going to teach you anything :).

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Can I ask why? It isn't healthy and it isn't sustainable. In long run it isn't going to teach you anything :).


because im fat and need to lose some weight. have lost 3 1/2 stone but seemed to have stopped now and cant seem to lose any more :(

just need to kick start weight lose again....reading up this seems good way to kick start it

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because im fat and need to lose some weight. have lost 3 1/2 stone but seemed to have stopped now and cant seem to lose any more :(

just need to kick start weight lose again....reading up this seems good way to kick start it


Well done for losing 3 1/2 stone. What about upping your excerise?


Sometimes you can be eating the wrong types of food. Have you tried cutting out white carbs like bread, white pasta, white rice, white flour and replacing them with 1/2 the amount of wholemeal/ brown pasta/rice?


I tend to try and stick to this 5 days and then have weekends off when I just have the odd treat. I spent some time looking at what my 'skinny' friends eat and noticed they never deny themselves anything, however they always eat a lot of veg, nothing factory made and their portion size is half of what I would naturally choose to have :suspect:


I don't think diets work as they are not long term solutions. I am slowly learning it is all about portion size and treating yourself occassionally. I have tried calorie restricting and it works but only when you have over a stone to lose when you are getting closer to your target weight I think it is time to learn how to eat properly and in a way that you can substain ;)

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That's a great loss so well done :). Did you follow a plan to lose it? Sometimes spending a week on maintenance calories is all it takes to kick start things again and drinking plenty of water.


Are you measuring as well as weighing? Sometimes the inches disappear without weight changing.

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because im fat and need to lose some weight. have lost 3 1/2 stone but seemed to have stopped now and cant seem to lose any more :(

just need to kick start weight lose again....reading up this seems good way to kick start it


Drink this and you'll regain that fat loss even quicker than you thought. Maybe your body is at a happy weight and your head isn't?

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Rachel , monitoring weight is poor indicator of progress made, you would be better monitoring your inches.

any weight loss you achieve should be in the form of fat rather than water and muscle which is what the cabbage soup diet will promote.

As a previous poster mentioned any short term gains made from this will be quickly reversed when you stop the process.

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Why not go for a brisk walk?


There are plenty of places you can go, all of which happen to have pub on the way round where you can stop off for a relaxing cup of coffee.


Dam Flask is good, 3 miles, drop off into the plough for a cuppa and continue to the walk. Its impossible to get lost as its one path that goes around the dam, simply keep walking and you end up back where you started.


Great for toning up the thighs, you breath in some good fresh air and get some colour to your cheeks.


I'd imagine if you did the cabbage soup diet, then after a week you would be farting all the time, and letting off some lethal rippers as well? :gag::gag:

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