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Boundaries and access to my back garden via my neighbour's garden


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Hi can anyone offer some advice, I have lived in my council property for 19 years and I get on great with my neighbours who have lived there well before me. The thing Is they have bought their house and they have a 6 foot fence up on the back garden I live in a 4 block

Terrace and I have their daughter at the other side of me and they also have a 6foot fence up. I have no access off or onto my garden unless you go through my house. If I have any work done on the garden I have to bring it through my house or wait for the husband to lift the panels up on a weekend cus we works away. I have asked many times

For a gate only to be refused, the council are looking into it but they also did the same 5 years ago and was told the deeds say no access, does

Anyone know or have experienced this problem as I am at my wits end, even my window cleaner has packed up doing my windows, any advice would be greatly received



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If the council are looking into it then be sure to provide them with as much essential info as may help your case - specifically that you requested a gate as soon as the fence went up or in a reasonable time.


Also possible safety issues such as ambulance and fire access or indeed your escape route from the property. Has the access to your mail delivery point been impeded in any way ?.

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If you get on great with your neighbours, could you arrange to sit down with them to explain your situation, and try to reach a compromise, even though you failed before.


Could you ask to swap houses with their daughter if you are both council tenants?


I don't know your circumstances, but there are lots of people who only have access to their back garden through their house. As for the window cleaner, do you really need one?

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My guess is the Council. They must surely know who has right of access to their property.

The land registry also.


Different circumstances I know....but having just bought a terraced I love the fact that there is no access to the back other than through the house.

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OP has referred to deeds and these are the holy grail in my experience - without agreement to alter the deeds it wont happen. There may be a loophole if there was an access at some point in the last 19 years which has been removed by the erection of a fence.

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I agree with Hemibr, tell the council fully of your situation. Ambulance and other emergency unit access will be sure to get them to think sensibly about your situation.


Having said that, being at your 'wits end' is a bit of an overreaction, it's just a gate.



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The deeds will give the definitive answer. The council should have them for your property. If no access is shown you`ll have to just live with it I'm afraid. Can't you put a gate at the bottom of the garden or is it another boundary?

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I have asked many times

For a gate only to be refused, the council are looking into it but they also did the same 5 years ago and was told the deeds say no access




If the deeds say no access, you really do not have any recourse - but you could perhaps talk to your neighbours and offer to pay for and also offer to arrange for installation of a gate, that perhaps is locked and key held by neighbour / possibly you and perhaps offer to pay a small fee for 'reasonable access' (presume we are talking once every couple of months and not thrice daily trips!)


I once lived in a house where there was a right of way across my back garden and I had to fit gates in the fence so that people could get through. Other properties I've viewed I've discounted because I wanted my garden to be private.

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