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To spay or not to spay


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I have a one year old German shepherd and don't know whether to get her spayed or not. I have researched a lot on line and in books but there is a lot of conflicting advice. I also have a ten year old staffy, she was done at about 18 months and had complications, she was very poorly for a while but thankfully recovered.as a result of this I am very reluctant to get pup done but all advice from vets, trainers etc is to spay. I understand the number of dogs pts is horrific, but surely there are many more beloved pets out there. I would particularly value the thoughts of owners of non spayed females.

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There are so many health and social benefits to having her speyed, and the vast majority of time its a quick and simple operation. Yes there are plenty of people who would love a pup, but would you be able to find enough people to take up to 8 pups? Would you be willing to hand raise them if she rejects them (feeding every 2 hrs). She is also still a bit too young to be bred safely. Also, never inderestimate the lengths a bitch will go to to mate! Plus her smell will be on you and dogs might follow! :D

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The only person who can make that choice for your pet is you, at least that's assuming that your decision is based upon health reasons rather than the 'breed or not breed' question.


The answer to whether to breed or not, especially with a breed like GSD which has thousands of dogs heading into rescue each year is please don't. There are way too many shepherds in this country and it's my opinion that any shepherds which are bred should be only the most healthy and sound dogs and only when there is a waiting list for the puppies. Sorry if I'm preaching to the converted, but I work in GSD rescue and I see the quantity of unwanted dogs out there.


As for spaying for health reasons, I'm in the 'yes' group to spaying, but I know people who have lost both cats and dogs as a result of being spayed (anaesthetic reactions and complications) and people who have lost both cats and dogs from the potential complications of not having them spayed (pyometra, pregnancy complications, mammary cancer killing young dogs etc). I also know a couple of people whose animals have had incontinence issues after being spayed.


Either way you decide, I hope you make peace with the decision you make for your dog and that you and she live a long and happy life together :)

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I would say spey, I know more dogs and cats who have had health problems, and even died from things like pyo than I do dogs and cats that have died due to anaesthetic. Your vet can assess her for any potential risks from surgery, but at 1 yr old she should be fit and healthy so the risks of an operation are minimal. If, on the other hand, she was forced to have surgery at 7yrs old due to pyo etc she may not be so lucky when going under the knife

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Being one of those who lost a cat when he was being neutered and whose best friend's young cat is currently in a life or death situation having just been spayed but having a bad reaction to the stitches..... It does make you cautious about making the right decision.


It is scary and I'm dreading it when it's our dobe Jesse's turn to go under the knife. Everything tells me it is the right thing to do but I can't help feeling anxious about putting Jesse through it.


All but one of my cats are neutered: the only one that isnt is Ashia, our wegie girl, purely because it was her cousin Aragorn who died being neutered.

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I have a friend who has a dog who is not spayed, she doesn't want to breed her and when she comes into season has to be so careful of other dogs and there is the obvious little mess in the house. I would think it is a lot easier to spay.


Thats another thing to consider.....the bleeding getting all onto your furniture. Having said that, my nans dog in the 70's had a season and she put a pair of pink frilly knickers on her :D

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