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Snow thread 2012


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Is it really 40 tonnes of grit per road per mile?


If we assume a road is 10 m wide, the you are covering approx 16000 sq m per mile which means that you are puttin 2.5 kilogrammes of grit on every square meter.


If you assume a density of 2020 kg/m^3 (approx value for sand and gravel (wet) from http://www.simetric.co.uk/si_materials.htm) then you would be covering that square meter to a dept of approx 1 cm.


This doesn't happen on my street when it gets gritted - WHO IS STEALING MY GRIT? :)


The roads aren't gritted once a year though are they.

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If it's snowing in London then they'll be declaring a state of national emergency for the area... ;)


I am told trains from London to home (normally a 25 minute journey) have been delayed by up to two hours this evening.


State of emergency it is!


PS - don't want to make anyone jealous but our street has been gritted.

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no but it helps traffic move


How? stannington road has been gritted several times today, no traffic moving on it last night. it makes no difference if the road has been gritted or not. It does NOT stop snow settling on the surface.

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