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Farmers shooting dogs

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I expect mine to be shot. I live in fear that this will happen if they run riot on land with sheep or cattle or are seen off lead without me in sight. A consequence of this is I make bloody sure they do not get the opportunity. The way I look at it is if something happens to them or to someone else or something else for what ever reason, its my failing. Knee jerk threats of revenge are ridiculous. What use are you to family banged up?

I sympathise with anyone who's lost a pet in these circumstances but as stated, the law is the law.

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The farmer has a weapon, how do you propose to cause him harm?


There are ways, I'm sure it wouldn't be strapped to his side 24/7..


And I don't necessarily mean I'd physically try and do him harm, but one way or another he wouldn't get away with it..and if he shot me, unless in self-defence, well that would be murder (for the second time after shooting my dog)..

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There are ways, I'm sure it wouldn't be strapped to his side 24/7..


And I don't necessarily mean I'd physically try and do him harm, but one way or another he wouldn't get away with it..and if he shot me, unless in self-defence, well that would be murder (for the second time after shooting my dog)..


He would have already 'got away with it' though by shooting your dog.

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I expect mine to be shot. I live in fear that this will happen if they run riot on land with sheep or cattle or are seen off lead without me in sight. A consequence of this is I make bloody sure they do not get the opportunity. The way I look at it is if something happens to them or to someone else or something else for what ever reason, its my failing. Knee jerk threats of revenge are ridiculous. What use are you to family banged up?

I sympathise with anyone who's lost a pet in these circumstances but as stated, the law is the law.


Just because it's the law, it doesn't mean it's right..


In some countries, you can get put to death for being homosexual by the law......


I know people say revenge helps no-one, however if an out-dated one-sided law means a farmer can shoot my dog dead just for being on his land by accident (because they do happen) just in case his sheep get spooked, with no comeback, I have to disagree..it's one thing being completely irresponsible and wilfully letting your dog run wild in a field with livestock, and another having your house back onto a field and your dog accidently escaping..


Another thing, in this situation, who says the life of his sheep is more important than the life of your dog? At the end of the day, they are both animals and act in instinct so how is it their fault? Yes, we should have responsibility for our dogs but when accidents happen, why should the heavy-handed shoot all dogs dead approach be used??

Edited by peewee84
bad spelling
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Just because it's the law, it doesn't mean it's right..


In some countries, you can get put to death for being homosexual by the law......


I know people say revenge helps no-one, however if an out-dated one-sided law means a farmer can shoot my dog dead just for being on his land by accident (because they do happen) just in case his sheep get spooked, with no comeback, I have to disagree..it's one thing being completely irresponsible and wilfully letting your dog run wild in a field with livestock, and another having your house back onto a field and your dog accidently escaping..


Another thing, in this situation, who says the life of his sheep is more importantly than the life of your dog? At the end of the day, they are both animals and act in instinct so how is it their fault? Yes, we should have responsibility for our dogs but when accidents happen, why should the heavy-handed shoot all dogs dead approach be used??


Probably because it is the farmers livelihood, have a little think about the whole scenario before ranting :)

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Just because it's the law, it doesn't mean it's right..


In some countries, you can get put to death for being homosexual by the law......


I know people say revenge helps no-one, however if an out-dated one-sided law means a farmer can shoot my dog dead just for being on his land by accident (because they do happen) just in case his sheep get spooked, with no comeback, I have to disagree..it's one thing being completely irresponsible and wilfully letting your dog run wild in a field with livestock, and another having your house back onto a field and your dog accidently escaping..


Another thing, in this situation, who says the life of his sheep is more importantly than the life of your dog? At the end of the day, they are both animals and act in instinct so how is it their fault? Yes, we should have responsibility for our dogs but when accidents happen, why should the heavy-handed shoot all dogs dead approach be used??


The life of sheep will be more important than that of a dog, to the farmer... as it's his livelihood.

Edited by Agent Orange
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Probably because it is the farmers livelihood, have a little think about the whole scenario before ranting :)


TBH, and this may sound harsh, but I don't really care..I doubt very much that my dog accidently being in his field would result in him becoming bankrupt and his family starving. However, my dog being shot dead before I could get to him would be emotionally devastating for me and my family..


Like I said before, the "heavy-handed shoot all dogs" approach is not necessary, it should apply to the situation.. In this instance it seemed the OP's dog was stood still, now how is that right?

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