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S5 ASDA and the magnetic escalator question

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I found out over the weekend the escalator is magnetic after nearly falling into the trolly head first when pushing it up. :hihi:


My question is, if and when an emergency say a fire breaks out , how are you to escape the store ? Will the trollies become unmagnitised so they can be moved or do you have to hurdle over them ?

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why do you assume if there was an emergency that the esculator would stop


I'm guessing the escalators run on electricity which could be effected by water and fire which would make them stop at some point. So anyone cought in the sandwich of trollies on the escalator would be trapped ?


Just a simple kinda question, can the trollies be moved rapidly in an emergency.

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why do you assume if there was an emergency that the esculator would stop


I would have thought they would be safer if they stopped if there was for example a fire in the building, imagine trying to negotiate an escalator that was moving in the opposite direction to out.

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Trolleys dont take up the full width of the escalators. Presumably in an emergency you would shove past the side of them if the escalators stopped.


You can also lift the wheels off the track to shove them to the side if necessary - they are not welded on.


Just for the sake of the highly unlikely circumstance of a immediate flashpoint fire that would trap everone on the escalator - Its far better to have a grip system for trolleys travelling up and down rather than relying on people's own strength to keep a trolley full of shopping from charging down the ramps.

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I'm guessing the escalators run on electricity which could be effected by water and fire which would make them stop at some point. So anyone cought in the sandwich of trollies on the escalator would be trapped ?


Just a simple kinda question, can the trollies be moved rapidly in an emergency.


If it bothers you that much either shop in a fire suit or shop some where else

Regarding shopping trollies moving fast ask Dale Winton

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