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Park Hill & Hyde park Flats Landing Names


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My granndmother lived on long henry at the park end opposite the old church ruins before the medical centre was built, my aunt was on hague row her front door overlooked the pavement and her balcony overlooked the path down over the railway, this was before they demolished the cinema on the road down to the canal basin where violet mays used to be, then across to the rag and tag market, my aunt used to work in the oddfellows inn, on the triangle where the club is now, there was a pub on all 3 corners.

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My present wife and I lived on Snow Hill Row from 1965 for nearly 2years,the flats were new then very comfortable!.One abiding memory was the heating which at the time was ground breaking using burnt waste and refuse incinerated at Bernard Road the heat then pumped to the flats!.You could turn it right down but it wouldn,t turn off,in the summer it was boiling we opened all the windows to cool down to no avail!.We decided to depart because we had our 2year old daughter who had no where to play only on the landing,so we ended up buying a terrace house on Marion Road for the princely sum of £1000 the mortgage provided by Sheffield Town Hall as nobody would lend to purchase old houses at that time!.It only seems 10 minutes ago life has certainly flashed by!.


Old tup.

In the early days, the heat originally came from the incinerator at Park Hill flats, which served both complexes, then, sometime just prior to 1982/3, which was when I lived there, the chimney and incinerator at Park Hill was made redundant, and the heat was produced from the Bernard Road incinerator.

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Old tup.

In the early days, the heat originally came from the incinerator at Park Hill flats, which served both complexes, then, sometime just prior to 1982/3, which was when I lived there, the chimney and incinerator at Park Hill was made redundant, and the heat was produced from the Bernard Road incinerator.

I didn,t know that Plain Talker I will never forget the heat in the summer ,we used to slide the large window fully back to get some fresh air you could grow grapes in the flat because the heater wouldn,t turn completely off!.But the flip side was it was lovely and warm winter time,also the flats were handy for me at the time as I was knocking around town for a drink or two at the time!.:hihi:D

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I didn,t know that Plain Talker I will never forget the heat in the summer ,we used to slide the large window fully back to get some fresh air you could grow grapes in the flat because the heater wouldn,t turn completely off!.But the flip side was it was lovely and warm winter time,also the flats were handy for me at the time as I was knocking around town for a drink or two at the time!.:hihi:D


My aunt lived on Lord Row, Hyde park flats, from about 1965/66, having moved from a prefab on hollybank at intake. ( i cant have been more than 2 or 3 when she moved, as i remember the prefab, it was one of those that withstood the great gale of february 1962) and my grandma lived on norwich Row, Park hill Flats, from late 1966, ( i can date this because my sister was born in August 1966)


My parents and I lived in a maisonette in gleadless valley, which was on a district heating system. There were two weeks in the summer when the heat was turned off, for maintenance, etc. my mother had the radiators steaming, 24/7 on the principle of, "Well, we're paying for it!"


Whatever the weather, like your missus, old tup, my mother had our place like a hot house. She'd open the windows if it was too hot, but she was damned if she was going to turn the pipes off!


Its no wonder my sister and i were so ill with our chests! We had asthma and constant chest infections, because our chests were so dried out with the heating.

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