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Under 16 pass for bus fares in Sheffield


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Originally posted by joffandanmum

however asking how old your child is when you have asked for a kids fare is tant amount to calling you a liar. there are some great drivers but some real jobsworths


Unfortunately, there are people out there who have been known to tell a lie or two n order to get something for nothing or cheaper. And a driver can't tell who's telling the truth and who isn't.

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I had to get a "under 16 pass" as they were known back then (before the days of the mega travel card... which hasn't changed since the mid 90s!) when I was 11. This was before they were compulsary so it was quite a shock when I was asked for a pass and didn't have one!


I had to plead with the driver who seemed to think that the amount of christmas shopping I'd just done meant I was over 16 and could obviously afford the fare as it was for adults. Not the 10p fare I would have paid as a child.


Looks like not a lot has changed... *sigh*

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This happens quite frequently and to be honest all-though it seems quite stupid, you can't pin it down to the driver as his / her fault!


Drivers are just doing their job, they get moderated as well to make sure they are following rules / regulations.


But at the same time no-one should have to carry their Passport etc, just to get access on a bus!


I think, First mainline need to produce a document similar to a 11-16 pass, maybe different colour code?


This would solve the problem!

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Originally posted by matt1889

This happens quite frequently and to be honest all-though it seems quite stupid, you can't pin it down to the driver as his / her fault!


Drivers are just doing their job, they get moderated as well to make sure they are following rules / regulations.


But at the same time no-one should have to carry their Passport etc, just to get access on a bus!


I think, First mainline need to produce a document similar to a 11-16 pass, maybe different colour code?


This would solve the problem!


So you would need two passes?


The point of the megatravel card is to gain access to public transport in south yorkshire at subsidised rates.


to get it, you have to prove your age and that you are a resident in south yorkshire...


what would be easier/simpler is if you could get a pass from 9 onwards (say) and it was required once you were 11. They could always just add a stamp or something to say you were in secondary school.


I'd rather they did check passes, the number of times i've seen 'kids' who look 18 say they forgot their pass, and then get let on (to avoid the grief, makes sense) by the driver is unbelievable. I thought the £35 penalty fare and the inspectors would help, but I didn't notice any reduction in people doing this afterwards...

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yes all children of secondary school age need a pass, but when they issue one when you first apply at say age 11, this pass has to last you for at least 5 years, if it gets worn/damaged/lost etc... it then costs £5.00 for subsequent replacements.

What a rip off !!!!!!!

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Not really a rip off... when you consider that you get a reduction in travel of potentially up to £1.80, pays for itself again within a few journeys. Most places either dont have these passes or have half fare ones.


edited to add: they should replace it free of charge (from what I remember) if its been stolen, you need to provide a crime reference number though. It may have changed.

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What happened to common sense? Like the original poster said her child had a primary school uniform on, you're not telling me that the driver did not know this as they nust get used to the uniforms of the local schools driving around as they do. My son turned 11 in September and although he in no way looks his age (he is very small for his age), I got him a pass in the half term holidays (Oct). I would advise anyone with a child turning 11 to get one as soon as they can. As for those with children not quite 11, all I can think of suggesting is photocopying their birth certificate and possibly a utility bill (with account numbers removed etc) to prove date of birth and that fact they live in sheffield and perhaps laminating them so that they can be produced if challenged about their age.

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