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Why is it that when a pet cat is killed by a dog the police dont wanna know

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But the snake kills the mouse to eat it: the out of control dog is not killing the cat with that same intent, so there's really no excuse. It is senseless frenzy and in this day and age, the owners should take some responsibility if their domesticated family pet attacks and kills another pet


thanks for clarifying my post.:)

so true.

i guess the reason the dog didnt eat the cat was because it has been domesticated over centuries and prefers eating dried dog biscuits.

Edited by simple as
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Sadly no they don't seem to care if a dog attacks a cat or another dog or such. Maybe if they paid more attention to these incidents and punished the owners for not controlling their dog we'd have less nasty, vicious dogs around.


So sorry about the loss of the cat. If a dog got onto my garden and killed my cat it wouldn't last too long I can tell you :mad:

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I think it must be quite rare for dogs to kill a cat. My dog never used to bother with cats and would just sniff them when we walked past. However there is a few cats that insist in coming into our garden and he now thinks it is a great game to chase them off, as when they run he automaticaly chases, if they walked off he would not be bothered :rolleyes: . I have been discouraging it by trying to ensure the garden is cat free before he goes out and spraying the cats with water when I see them, we have now also got rid of the pond as they used to like to kill the frogs in it in the hope that will discourage them. I have small holes cut into the wire at the bottom of the hedge that they can escape through which the dog cannot fit through.


However because the cats tease him in the garden he has now started to show a unhealthy interest in them when we are outside so I'm having to try and train it out of him. I'm not sure what he would do if he ever got hold of one (he is too slow luckily) I think he just likes the game of chase. I sometimes wish it was possible to cat proof a garden as if they stopped getting in and running from him he would not have the fascination of playing chase with them and be quite happy to just sniff them like he used to :)


I think it is dreadul that the cat was killed on it's own property as that shows a lack of control or security with the dog.

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Mention to the police, the part of the law concerning " owning a dog which is dangerously out of control in a public place" I know this is correct after one of my dogs escaped some years ago and killed a cat. I was taken to court for it!

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i dont understand why nothing was done because the dog was on your property not the cat on theres they should have been done for not keeping there dog under control ie in there own garden i would have gone round and smashed there face in :hihi:sorry did i just say that

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It depends on the circumstances but there have been decisions in the past by courts and authorities to suggest that it is the nature of a dog to kill and wound small animals. Therefore, in the event of your pet being wounded or killed by a dog, it is not a certainty that the police would take any action. However, the police will take action if the dog was dangerously out of control in a "public place". The only possible recourse is to take civil action against the dog owner but this would depend on the circumstances.


However, there are different regulations where the attack involves farm animals. This answer does not take into account deliberate attacks or dog fights which are offences.

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Its not just dogs, a cat use to visit my garden and killed 3 of my chickens but as somebody else says theres karma My lurcher killed the cat.
It's not karma, it's nature :rolleyes:


A wire dachshund I used to have killed the pet rabbit of my then-GF's elder sister some years ago. I'd dropped by to visit as I was walking it, had the dog at my feet on a short leash and rang the doorbell. The GF opened the door and what should stand right behind the door at her feet as she opened it? The rabbit :o


I never even had time to pull the leash preventatively, by the time my reflexes kicked in the dog had already pounced within the few inches of leeway he had, and that was that...


Her sister never liked me anyway :twisted:

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