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Jeremy Clarkson 'misled' viewers

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Nope, you were wondering what the W stood for in my username and I said if you require further info you could drop me a PM , OK :thumbsup:


Who has sent any insulting Pms anyway ? numpty !


Oh, there was me thinking you wanted me to PM you so you could use stronger words that the cutting and witty 'numptie'


I was wrong, the clue as to your real motivation was you called me 'queenie' in your PM request. Well, I'm sorry but you're barking up the wrong tree there.

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Oh, there was me thinking you wanted me to PM you so you could use stronger words that the cutting and witty 'numptie'


I was wrong, the clue as to your real motivation was you called me 'queenie' in your PM request. Well, I'm sorry but you're barking up the wrong tree there.


Donkey / queenie , get it ?

Me thinks you misinterpret my posts and my sense of humour, never mind, if you can't take it don't dish it out eh :thumbsup:

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Donkey / queenie , get it ?

Me thinks you misinterpret my posts and my sense of humour, never mind, if you can't take it don't dish it out eh :thumbsup:


Misinterpret your sense of humour? Is there some level of subtlety I'm missing here?


I can't take it? Calling me a donkey because my user name is donkey? Saying "Do One" and "Numpty"? Going to primary school hardened me against such cutting barbs. :hihi:

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So you rich, or been driving around in milk floats?
Neither. I used to be a EV test driver ('driving about advertising EVs', really) for the local Renault and Peugeot dealers, and have owned and used full-EV mopeds not so long ago.


Contrary to popular belief (in the UK at least...or is that insular ignorance, one wonders :cool:) 'normal' full-EV cars (Clio/106/AX) and vans (Traffic/J7/Boxer) have been bought and used by the public and industry in France, Germany and across the Benelux for many, many years now. Advantageously, or ironically, the biggest customer of full EV vans for nearly 2 decades now is EDF, who produces the electricity in the first place - talk about vertically integrating your costs!


The 'time' for full EVs (as in: a realistic replacement for fossil-fuelled vehicles) will come...once they sort out storage (battery) tech. They still haven't despite 20+ years of intense research and EV car/van user feedback. So now isn't it.


I hate the bloke TBH. He takes the micky out of Lada owners like me. He a *******.
So just say that you hate the bloke, why the need to ride on false pretences like donkey does?


And, this from direct personal experience, I can vouch that he might not have misled as much as donkey/you/other Clarkson-bashers would like. I don't particularly care for the bloke either (and about as much for TG as a program :rolleyes:), but I've pushed my EV mopeds home often enough in winter time to know that manufacturer-claimed autonomy (60 miles) and actual autonomy (14 miles) can vary rather drastically :gag:


A little-known, but entirely logical and natural phenomenon affecting full EVs...which manufacturers don't trumpet much about, particularly in our colder, northern latitudes. Understandably, I guess. And that's besides many other remaining shortcomings.

Edited by L00b
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So just say that you hate the bloke, why the need to ride on false pretences like donkey does?


I don't hate jeremy Clarkson, nor did I start the thread under 'false pretences'. Want to make any other totally innacurate allegations based on a delusional belief in your own telepathic abilities??

Edited by donkey
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I don't hate jeremy Clarkson
That post wasn't adressed to you, so the above does not concern you. How about taking notice of the quote? :rolleyes:

nor did I start the thread under 'false pretences'.
You didn't? :confused:


In view of the fact that TG (i) is an entertainment program, not a consumer advice program and (ii) more importantly, and to the point, was on about an EV car inaccessible to the vast majority of the public (having a price tag of over $100.000 ...how convenient of you to ignore my first post :rolleyes:) how is that for misleading:


I know a lot of people think Clarkson's views are 'refreshing' and an antedote to the 'PC brigade', but really, what class of a moron would deliberately mislead the public to discourage them from buying electric cars?


Try again, donkey :P

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Exactly plus they had 2 Tesla cars and both broke down with different issues during the review.


So rather than Tesla admit they may have more work to do on their car they instead are going to go chasing Top Gear instead.


But we only have Top Gear's word that they broke down. The article itself states:


Tesla complained about the show at the time, with the BBC admitting some of the footage was shot to show what could happen.


and they're well known for faking and making stuff up.


Anyway, I saw something far funnier on local news this morning - Clarkson and his wife out repairing their garden fences after protesters smashed them down and threw them off a cliff into the sea!



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It's a claim by a car manufacturer quoted in the link so, unless you didn't read the link, you did see someone saying that. I put the wiord 'misled' in quotation marks, which commonly indicates it is a claim made by a third party.



If your point is there is no case to answer, then what about this bit, also from the link: "the BBC admitting some of the footage was shot to show what could happen."

Presenting something that could have happened as something that did happen would appear to be pretty misleading, don't you think?


Not really. If a car runs out of fuel it stops running. That can happen in some inconvenient places. It might be on the school run, it might be on a contraflow on the M1. It might be halfway across a level crossing. You don't need any of those things to happen to use them as a legitimate point in a broadcast. Do you seriously think that would be a case that could stand up in a court action. Well I suppose you do as you raised the stupid point.

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So the makers of the "world's fastest production electric car" think it's really unfair when their "sports car" is "driven aggressively" on a track, and recommend that it should be "driven mindfully" instead?


They also claim the charge could last 313 miles when, according to their website, "the Roadster's miles per charge had been certified at 211 miles by a third party European Union (EU) test".


Yes, they are clearly being treated very unfairly ...


(all quotes taken from the BBC news website)

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