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New footage released at Ian Tomlinson's inquest.

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Because he was a proven idiot. That rather changes the image of the 'gentle family man' to a drunk that can't hold down a job.




Do your lefty anarchist mates have intelligence?


That especially cretinous group of morons are trying to bring down the whole system in the UK and the rest of the world.

I wonder if posters know who you really are and what you're trying to acheive.


They vary wildly in their demands but most want your house taken from you as private ownership would be illegal. (still - you can forget your mortgage when you're forced onto a collective farm.)

They want to bring down the system of government and replace it with mutual consent to everything. (I understand they'll have problems fixing the roads or emptying the bins)

They advocate free love. That includes encouraging everyone to try homosexual relationships.

No banks and no money - I think we all have to return to barter and sheep farming or something.

Anarchists believe that human culture can exist without the rule of law.

Yer man. we've seen what the thick buggers do when the cops are around. Can you imagine what they'd do if the police were disbanded as they want?

The world would be run by yobbos and we would all live in fear of them.


These are the people that are using this copper as a weapon to try and make you think the police are oppressing you while, in truth, they want to change the generally peaceful rule of law with mob rule and doing exactly as they fancy.


They're dangerous because they're quite good at their PR stunts. Notice how everyone has forgotten their mindless violence in favour of a fairy tale about murdering pig coppers.

Remember what dangerous idiots you're dealing with before you believe their lies.


:hihi::hihi: I think even McCarthy would have been proud of that speech.:hihi:


Do you search for reds under the bed every night?

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Do your lefty anarchist mates have intelligence?


That especially cretinous group of morons are trying to bring down the whole system in the UK and the rest of the world.

I wonder if posters know who you really are and what you're trying to acheive.


They vary wildly in their demands but most want your house taken from you as private ownership would be illegal. (still - you can forget your mortgage when you're forced onto a collective farm.)

They want to bring down the system of government and replace it with mutual consent to everything. (I understand they'll have problems fixing the roads or emptying the bins)

They advocate free love. That includes encouraging everyone to try homosexual relationships.

No banks and no money - I think we all have to return to barter and sheep farming or something.

Anarchists believe that human culture can exist without the rule of law.

Yer man. we've seen what the thick buggers do when the cops are around. Can you imagine what they'd do if the police were disbanded as they want?

The world would be run by yobbos and we would all live in fear of them.


These are the people that are using this copper as a weapon to try and make you think the police are oppressing you while, in truth, they want to change the generally peaceful rule of law with mob rule and doing exactly as they fancy.


They're dangerous because they're quite good at their PR stunts. Notice how everyone has forgotten their mindless violence in favour of a fairy tale about murdering pig coppers.

Remember what dangerous idiots you're dealing with before you believe their lies.


You pretty much nail it here. Well put.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well the judge/coroner is summing up and he has hardly been in harwood's favour thus far - the jury are advised that they may find unlawful killing if the assault was excessive,noting that harwood accepted that tomlinson posed no threat he has said that a heart attack does not rule out unlawful killing if induced by the asssault and that 2 pathologists believe internal bleeding caused by the blow was the cause of death - further,he mentioned freddy patel's suspension from practice, saying it should not be given UNDUE weight.


Harwood must be hoping that upinwath is on the jury.


they should retire on Tuesday, fingers crossed for some justice for the family.

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Well hopefully the Jury will have the balls to come up with the right verdict which could mark a new chapter where police can no longer kill someone and then sweep it under a blanket.


optimistic mate, more like the met develop a culture of violence, re employ a known thug and then hang him out to dry when he does it in front of hundreds of cameras, but if tomlinson'd death is accepted as an act of state sponsored violence (like libya or syria) then that's a result for his family at least

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round 1 to the bereaved tomlinson family, thank god. Next up, the CPS look at the decision not to prosecute and , surely, have to change it - I look forward to seeing Harwood doing time. Thug.


Then there's freddy patel - struck off? His opinion isn't going to be worth the paper it's lied on is it - and if I was banged up on his evidence I'd be appealing.


But for today, thoughts go to the brave persistent Tomlinson family who , despite being 'ordinary' folk, would not let the violent death of their loved, damaged Dad go unnoticed.


Good on 'em.

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But for today, thoughts go to the brave persistent Tomlinson family who , despite being 'ordinary' folk, would not let the violent death of their loved, damaged Dad go unnoticed.


I know the toll a case of this length can have on people:(. We fought SCC for almost the same length of time over something that happened to the GF's son at school and the school did nothing (except try and label him). Very stressful, very tiring, almost soul destroying. But the elation and relief when you are vindicated and victorious is like nothing on earth.


Top people for not meekly submitting in the face of the stream of lies:thumbsup:.


Good on 'em.



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