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Scrap merchants

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Do scrap merchants have any rights to enter peoples property and take any scrap items lying around.


Not in my opinion they dont.Besides they,re not merchants they,re just scroungin,thievin toe rags who,ll take anything metal thats not nailed down even it that means going onto peoples property without permission or being invited.As previous post,s on this subject have allready mentioned they probably don,t even have valid tax or insurance on thier vehicles and 99% certainly dont have the relevant waste carriers licence as i understand is required by law to carry ant sort of waste be it metal or otherwise.

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They have the same rights as you or I to enter private property, i.e. none at all.


Which means that leaflet distributers,free newspaper deliverers etc are then breaking the law,which i don't think is accurate.

It's not illegal for cold callers so it isn't illegal to enter someones property.


It's illegal to remove items from the land though.

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Do scrap merchants have any rights to enter peoples property and take any scrap items lying around.


The laws regarding trespass are very complex. For example, if a boy kicks his football onto your property and then retrieves it, has he broken the law?


Theft is more clear. The issue is intent. If you lock a bicycle in town, does someone have the legal right to hack through the lock and take it because 'the bike seemed to be abandoned on common land', NO - this is theft.


If your bike is left on your back garden and someone takes it with the excuse 'the bike seemed abandoned - so I took it for scrap'. There is no distiction between the two, it is still theft - after all even scrap has value, and therefore this indicated an intnet to take the value of the goods without permission.


However, you should take all reasonable means to protect your property and make it look like you value it.

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Yes they DO, under a little known law passed just after the "Great Fire of London" It was decided to clean up the towns and city's to prevent this type of thing happening again, So the powers that be, decided to grant "Tatters" the right's to enter the public's private dwelling and remove any object or objects that may pose a risk, either by way of Fire or which would hamper Egress from a property which was on fire. This law has not been repeeled, so in fact - Scrap men can enter your property and take anything which may come under the above discription. At least, that's what the scrapman told me, when I caught him nicking the bed from my bedroom.

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