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Sad old gits thread..

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Pensioners say that they were the best workers and that young un's just aren't as good now. It's true. So let's get them pensioners back to work to show us how it's done! There's no money left to pay for their pensions anyway! There's barely enough for the dole for us young 'uns and I do need my beer and fags!

Edited by Frankie Rage
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Pensioners say that they were the best workers and that young un's just aren't as good now. It's true. So let's get them pensioners back to work to show us how it's done! There's no money left to pay for their pensions anyway! There's barely enough for the dole for us young 'uns and I do need my beer and fags!


Don't get me on with the price o fags.


It's cheaper these days to do straight weed instead o mixin it with bacca.


I got pulled at Dover with 300,000 woodbines an a bottle of lambrini for the missus,they had the lot,bet they shared it out after.


Lucky for me they missed the 8 illegals hidden under the passenger seat so i had a nice little earner from them when i set them to work on the cannabis farm.


Wheres Pierrepoint when you need him?.

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I can remember walking 12 miles to school, and 16 miles home again, uphill both ways and it were snowing at that, even in June. Shoes made from kipper boxes, holes in me pants so it didn't matter which way I put them on, and a coat made from a sack pinched off a coalmans cart. Kids have it too easy now, what with food to eat instead of grass like we had,real tobacco instead of dried tea leaves to make our fags, and beds with one person instead of the eleven we had which included next doors kids. Ahhh, the good old days.

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I can remember walking 12 miles to school, and 16 miles home again, uphill both ways and it were snowing at that, even in June. Shoes made from kipper boxes, holes in me pants so it didn't matter which way I put them on, and a coat made from a sack pinched off a coalmans cart. Kids have it too easy now, what with food to eat instead of grass like we had,real tobacco instead of dried tea leaves to make our fags, and beds with one person instead of the eleven we had which included next doors kids. Ahhh, the good old days.


You had clothes????????????????


You spoilt little bl**ders.


Some people dont know they're born.

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I didn't ask to be born. Where's my dole?


Why were you born so beautiful,why were you born at all.


They should ship out all you dole wallahs to Poland and Kosova and up our meagre pittance.


Me and the missus have had to let one of the holiday homes go and cut down on holidays,were lucky now if we get six weeks in Benidorm in the winter and last year i swear we were at home as much as we were away.


You moaning little chuffs dont realise how easy you've got it.

Just you try running two cars on the bit of pension we get.


If it werent for the missus doin a bit of lapdancing after hours down at the legion we'd have to rent out at least four of the bedrooms, and you think you got it hard.phfft


Birch the lot of em,that's what i say.

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Ay. They don't know what half a crown is nowadays. Y' could ger a tram to Bramall Lane see t' Blades win like they did every week 'ave fish and chips, get bladdered in t' Marples, an hour at t' Crystal Suite and a tram 'ome.....and still 'ave change.




You misunderstand me,i meant last year to Wogans children in need.

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