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Sheffield Council to decide the fate of your ANPR data

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ANPR = Automatic Number Plate Recognition am I correct?


If I understand ANPR it auto flags NO TAX, NO TEST, NO INSURANCE or what is the point of having it?




I think this is more to the point as to why these cameras are been fitted.


If you've been to London you'd know that in order to police the congestion zone they need a damn site more cameras than we've got in sheffield at the moment.


They spent millions on one small area with two, three or even four cameras at each entrance and exit. Defiantly not what we have, or is being proposed here, in sheffield.


Yes they could use them to say you travelled from A to B, but they are more likely to use GPS now for any national congestion charge than try and kit out each city individually.


It's just too expensive.

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The whitish cameras, are they the ones near the roundabouts and main roads into the city?


I thought they were the Police ANPR setup a few years ago (and attracted little or no comment on here....)


Ye thats right, well i just thought to bring it up!

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they use them anpr cameras to track stolen cars coming in or going out of sheffield, or if they are lookin for a car or bike they can be found through them quicker than police drivin round lookin for them

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To help the general paranoia along - you might like to know that average speed cameras (using ANPR) are moving along technologically to a "SPECS3" standard.

This development allows each and every camera to be an entry camera AND an exit camera (currently, each camera can only operate as an entry point OR an exit point), thus allowing a more flexible and wider network of average speed recording to take place in the future.


Also, whilst indulging in a shed-load of "who authorised this 1984 Big Brother" paranoia, I'm surprised that no-one has yet mentioned that the piece of kit most of us carry around in our pocket tracks your whereabouts minute-by-minute. So, if anyone is bothered to check up on you ...

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You mean your mobile phone?

It doesn't track anything, it's not compulsory to have one, it's not a central database and I can turn it off whenever I like.

At best the data could be used to put you in a general vicinity, and I can obviously leave it at home if I choose.


It's really not comparable to a set of cameras recording your journeys and storing the data indefinitely.

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You mean your mobile phone?

It doesn't track anything, it's not compulsory to have one, it's not a central database and I can turn it off whenever I like.

At best the data could be used to put you in a general vicinity, and I can obviously leave it at home if I choose.


It's really not comparable to a set of cameras recording your journeys and storing the data indefinitely.


I'm not looking for a slating, but actually I'd say it is nearly the same.


- The cameras don't track every movement of your car, just at the junctions/sections they are at. Local side roads aren't covered.


- You don't have to use a car. Change to a bike as the rear facing number plate won't be read.


- The camera database isn't national, unlike your mobile phone company.


- You can turn your car off whenever you like.


I'd also point out:


- Your Mobile tracks where you have been to within a few hundrered yards, closer in towns where there are more base stations. Take a look here


- There are more controls on how long they can store your mobile details than the ANPR.


I don't like the idea of ANPR cameras like I didn't the RIP Act... Both will be abused and the person doing it will only ever have their wrist slapped.

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Get out of town and it tracks where you are to approx a 2 km radius, which is to say not very accurately at all.

But the key difference is that I choose to take a mobile with me. I can't choose to have those cameras ignore me.

If I want to track my own journeys and post the information online I can, that's a very different proposition to the government saying that they will and that I have no choice in the matter.


There are more controls on the mobile data, this is a good thing.

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