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Originally posted by hj dary

If Toby and the posh bird are off to the breakfast show whats happening to that grumpy sod Everad and is Roney staying where he is.


Everard is reading the news (what a waste) and I think that Rony is staying put.

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Originally posted by Nicholarse

I've heard the bits with that Anthony Wooton bloke - he's talented! Wonder what happened to his mobile phone though?


What are you on about?


I find Radio Sheffield more interesting and useful than Hallam! I'm pleased Toby is moving to the morning slot to replace grumpy Everard - just can't understand how Toby is going to keep gigging and still be in work for 6:00 a.m.! If it's a re-creation of the Toby 'n' posh bird thing they did at Christmas it should be good fun.


Toby - can you stop Antonia talking such tosh? ty

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i listen to the radio a lot whilst driving, were talking about 15 hours a week or something.

I very occasionally listen to radio sheffield, but to be honest, it's pretty damn poor. Radio leciester is better, derby okay, nottingham has it's good points. Most of the time i stick to Rad 1 (not Coxy) or Radio 4. Hallam is all music...


I can't identify why sheffield is so bad, because i never left it on for long enough, i guess it just doesn't do anything to engage my interest.

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Originally posted by MrHelicopter

Toby - can you stop Antonia talking such tosh? ty


Pleeeeaaasee can she ditch the Womens Realm meets Homes and Gardens style now she's got a 'proper' show (come on Antonia, we know you're reading this) :P


Tobes, am I right in thinking that ED isn't really a presenter (like you I guess) but historically a backroom boy?


Good luck with it anyway... pro-plus is available at all leading chemists, or Phan might be able to recommend something stronger hehe. :thumbsup:

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Never really been a Radio Sheffield fan and have certainly never listened to it in the morning but Toby Foster has got me by the short and curlies and I never miss a show.


He makes me giggle everyday and always seems to have a funny story to tell about pretty much everything.


He's banned from Safeways y'know!

Something to do with them not having plastic forks to eat your deli food with and him leaving in a huff and returning several hours later dressed as a scout master, he then ordered 40 meals for his imaginary scout troop and when they had finished preparing them he says "So where's the forks?" and after he was told they didn't have any he kicked off about them leaving little boy scouts to starve and walked out. Hehe, I've always wondered how you got barred from supermarkets. Not sure if it's a nation wide ban or not.

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