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Is this the mindset of the average blade?


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Righty'o I bumped into an old gym mate from sheffield at the degale/smith fight on saturday night, an one thing that made me think was his attitude towards SUFC! Up until this season he was an avid follower, but after speaking with him in liverpool he said I don't care about the blades we're s..t. To which I replied if we had taken that stance then we might not have a club to support. I've travelled from Salford to watch the owls for over 15 years, he only lives a 20 minute drive from the ground.


Anyway I told him to stop being so childish, he's been full of it over the last few years.


How many so called blades have now returned to their roles as sing when were winning blades?

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i would have thought some fans from all teams are like that. I know many owls fans have done the same, when you lot went down, one fan i know vowed never to set foot hillsborough ever again, and didnt go this season at all, until your last game.

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A friend of mine was 100% Blade when i first met him ( almost 10 years ago ) ..he'd watched 'em through 'thick and thin' from being a kid ...but a couple o' years ago he said ,"I dont watch 'em as much , cos they are playing cr*p ..i've started watching and playing Rugby these days" ..

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A friend of mine was 100% Blade when i first met him ( almost 10 years ago ) ..he'd watched 'em through 'thick and thin' from being a kid ...but a couple o' years ago he said ,"I dont watch 'em as much , cos they are playing cr*p ..i've started watching and playing Rugby these days" ..


Sounds like me! I think a lot of people just grow out of it. I used to be a season ticket holder and go to away games and now I hardly go at all. I know a few owls who I went to school with who are exactly the same. It must happen a lot, there are very few diehard fans who go to watch a club for the whole of their lives.

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Footballs priced itself out of the market,if youve 2 young kids its expensive when you add on all the associated costs,shirts,travel,food,programme.And if your team arent playing well,your less inclined to go.

You can go karting,cinema,laser quest,fishing,swimming ect ect for FAR FAR less.

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Righty'o I bumped into an old gym mate from sheffield at the degale/smith fight on saturday night, an one thing that made me think was his attitude towards SUFC! Up until this season he was an avid follower, but after speaking with him in liverpool he said I don't care about the blades we're s..t. To which I replied if we had taken that stance then we might not have a club to support. I've travelled from Salford to watch the owls for over 15 years, he only lives a 20 minute drive from the ground.


Anyway I told him to stop being so childish, he's been full of it over the last few years.


How many so called blades have now returned to their roles as sing when were winning blades?


Probably out boozing with the missing 20,000 0wls fans from the palace game.

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How many so called blades have now returned to their roles as sing when were winning blades?


Judging by historical attendance figures, considerably less so than the number of Owls who've done the same. On the other hand, the Owls were higher to begin with and have fallen further, so that should come as no surprise to anybody.

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I don't think my opinion or expectations of Sheffield United have altered that much over the last 15 years, as a full time fan and season ticket holder I always expect them to do well and considering our long established position in this league I think that we should be more organised than most others to push for at least top half of the table.


I know things aren't amazing at the minute, however believe me i've seen United in far worse positions than this one and regardless of our position I still remain positive of a mid table finish.


United have been off par thus far into the season however have a good look at the table, not many teams have had continuous good form which plays into our favour big time, as a string of 3-4 wins could see us comfortable in the top half of the league.


Long term fans of United learn to accept that we are an established to half of the Championship team, this is where we expect to finish come the end of the season, anything more is simply a flirt might I add a good one but never the less a flash in the pan which we enjoy while it lasts. This will continue to be the case over the next however long unless changes in Heirachy are made where money is invested into making us more than just a Championship outfit.


When it comes to the competition we have in the league, I expect us to have a good go at everyone expect the three teams coming down every season. As with every team I expect home games to be a fortress and again apart from the top 3 teams I expect at least a point from every team who comes to Bramall Lane. Away from home I expect us to beat bottom half of the table and out of form teams, and to attack the better teams in hope of grabbing a draw, however not to just go and defend away from home but to actually take the game to them.


Finish 10th Position and above come May and I feel marginally satisfied and justify the value of my season ticket, 6th and above and i'm over the moon, anything less than 10th I feel slightly disgruntled however accept it and hope for something better the following season.......


After all i'm a blade for life.....Not just when we're winning.

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I don't think my opinion or expectations of Sheffield United have altered that much over the last 15 years, as a full time fan and season ticket holder I always expect them to do well and considering our long established position in this league I think that we should be more organised than most others to push for at least top half of the table.


I know things aren't amazing at the minute, however believe me i've seen United in far worse positions than this one and regardless of our position I still remain positive of a mid table finish.


United have been off par thus far into the season however have a good look at the table, not many teams have had continuous good form which plays into our favour big time, as a string of 3-4 wins could see us comfortable in the top half of the league.


Long term fans of United learn to accept that we are an established to half of the Championship team, this is where we expect to finish come the end of the season, anything more is simply a flirt might I add a good one but never the less a flash in the pan which we enjoy while it lasts. This will continue to be the case over the next however long unless changes in Heirachy are made where money is invested into making us more than just a Championship outfit.


When it comes to the competition we have in the league, I expect us to have a good go at everyone expect the three teams coming down every season. As with every team I expect home games to be a fortress and again apart from the top 3 teams I expect at least a point from every team who comes to Bramall Lane. Away from home I expect us to beat bottom half of the table and out of form teams, and to attack the better teams in hope of grabbing a draw, however not to just go and defend away from home but to actually take the game to them.


Finish 10th Position and above come May and I feel marginally satisfied and justify the value of my season ticket, 6th and above and i'm over the moon, anything less than 10th I feel slightly disgruntled however accept it and hope for something better the following season.......


After all i'm a blade for life.....Not just when we're winning.


i could have wrote that myself a perfect reflection :)

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