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Am i just unemployable??

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Another way into work via the back door is volunteering. This gets you exposed to working people with many positions able to cover your transport and other necessary costs.


You can add the work to your CV and gain a reference along the way. You may have to try several positions until you find your way towards the decision making hiring people who can see what you can achieve.


I am personally very critical of employers who want and ready fit solution and are not willing to train or invest in people.


Here is a link to the direct.gov website about volunteering whilst looking for work

Edited by Hadron
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Another way into work via the back door is volunteering. This gets you exposed to working people with many positions able to cover your transport and other necessary costs.


You can add the work to your CV and gain a reference along the way. You may have to try several positions until you find your way towards the decision making hiring people who can see what you can achieve.


I am personally very critical of employers who want and ready fit solution and are not willing to train or invest in people.


It's already been mentioned in post further up.


Most commercial companies wont have insurance that covers volunteers as automatic, as I belive you have to make sure volunteers are covered, in addition to your regular employees in your employer liability insurance. You will find third sector such as charities and not-for-profits already have this in place. It's just something to check if you ever take on a volunteer. Don't assume you don't need employer liability or that the cover you have covers volunteers. It may, and it may not.

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Unfortunately there is alot of discrimination within employment and many employers don't like employing women with young babies.

It also doesn't help if potential employers know you run your own business, as they might think you might not fully commit yourself to their business and it seems that you do run your own business with the link to your own website.

If you can't get another job why not concentrate on your own business?

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Ive applied to every job that comes up every week in meadowhall its like a routine now with meadowhall, And its my parents business not mine that is on my link, I understand with me having young children, but that doesnt me make less of a hardworker, and surely that would show that someone is going to put in the hardwork as i would be working for my children basically

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I told you via a pm how to get a job last week, there ARE vacancies why havent you applied?

Ive applied to every job that comes up every week in meadowhall its like a routine now with meadowhall, And its my parents business not mine that is on my link, I understand with me having young children, but that doesnt me make less of a hardworker, and surely that would show that someone is going to put in the hardwork as i would be working for my children basically
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