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The People Who Create Conspiracy Theories - Your Opinion?

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What part of "world leaders etc" didn't you get?


Just because meetings happen behind closed doors doesn't make them conspiracies - it's usually easier to have a frank exchange of views without everyone looking on. Do you expect managers at work to meet in front of the staff?


130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media.


And we've just had a banking crisis and a 3 trillion dollar war!!!!!!

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In case you were wondering,no i'm not a muslim.

In fact a little more than a year ago i'm ashamed to say the words "i hate muslims and what they stand for" would of been a more likely quote from me.

Back then i was brainwashed by the mainstream media,i'm now pretty angry i was made to feel like that,(i was far from racist before)and i suppose guilty that i felt little for the thousands of innocent people that died when we invaded their countries.(you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs)I trusted our government and media but then i had a wake up call.

The difference is i didn't know about the evidence to the contrary,most of you do or choose to ignore it,yet still support the government/main media account without question.

I find that rather weird.

When i first started on the 9/11 thread i was pretty convinced it was an inside job but part of me expected one day i could be proved wrong,the thing is there just isn't the evidence to prove the official account and there should be (if that's what really happened).

I'm not a scientist but i did sciences at school and it made sense but the science that explains the lack of evidence and how those buildings collapsed just isn't logical,even to many scientists.

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In case you were wondering,no i'm not a muslim.

In fact a little more than a year ago i'm ashamed to say the words "i hate muslims and what they stand for" would of been a more likely quote from me.

Back then i was brainwashed by the mainstream media,i'm now pretty angry i was made to feel like that,(i was far from racist before)and i suppose guilty that i felt little for the thousands of innocent people that died when we invaded their countries.(you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs)I trusted our government and media but then i had a wake up call.

The difference is i didn't know about the evidence to the contrary,most of you do or choose to ignore it,yet still support the government/main media account without question.

I find that rather weird.

When i first started on the 9/11 thread i was pretty convinced it was an inside job but part of me expected one day i could be proved wrong,the thing is there just isn't the evidence to prove the official account and there should be (if that's what really happened).

I'm not a scientist but i did sciences at school and it made sense but the science that explains the lack of evidence and how those buildings collapsed just isn't logical,even to many scientists.


The Kean comission is flawed because it's explanation of the wtc1&2 collapse is laughable but for me the total ignoring of wtc7 is it's biggest crime.

The 7/7 narrative is laughable and still yet no one is prepared to answer my Peter Power question.... Come on now, it has been 2 months you must have concocted some rubbish by now..... tumbleweeds...

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I read about em and saw a BBC doc where the sceptical presenter saw Mandleson go past in a bus. That is a believable theory and makes sense for them to get together.


'Smear! Wilson and the Secret State' by the Lobster journo's pretty good too. All that stuff is a million miles from Bush blowing up the twin towers though.


I saw that too,did you see when they phoned the british embassy because they were being followed and frightened.They were told "the bilderberg group is way out of our league,there's nothing we can do".

By the embassy :huh:

They(embassy) later phone back and say they phoned the hotel but they were not being followed,they must've been imagining it.:suspect:

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That is an interesting point, I had never thought of it that far. I saw it simply as fiction being more exciting than the truth to some people but yes such theories could absolve guilt in those cases.



Yes it is, but you forgot to mention that the same theory can be applied to those considered sheep. The theory can apply equally.

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The Kean comission is flawed because it's explanation of the wtc1&2 collapse is laughable but for me the total ignoring of wtc7 is it's biggest crime.

The 7/7 narrative is laughable and still yet no one is prepared to answer my Peter Power question.... Come on now, it has been 2 months you must have concocted some rubbish by now..... tumbleweeds...


And NIST also fail to explain it(the collapse) despite all their efforts.

funnily enough i've just been posting some info on peter power on the 7/7 thread,maybe you'll get your answer there.

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The Kean comission is flawed because it's explanation of the wtc1&2 collapse is laughable but for me the total ignoring of wtc7 is it's biggest crime.

The 7/7 narrative is laughable and still yet no one is prepared to answer my Peter Power question.... Come on now, it has been 2 months you must have concocted some rubbish by now..... tumbleweeds...


Well let's see what Power himself has to say on the matter. Third post on the thread below.




This is a link from a page on the main 7/7 truthers website (about 7/8 of the way down)



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People who propagate conspiracy theories are a motley crew of idiots, nutters, charlatans, 5th columnists and people who wish to destabalise our society.


I guess most conspiracy theorists are muddle headed loonies. But a few of them will be clear thinking people with malign intent who seek to undermine our way of life. They do this by spreading plausible sounding ‘theories’ and urban myths - like saying that President Bush and Osama Bin Laden concocted the 9/11 plot over a hot dog in a dinner on Route 66. They’ll then back this up by saying that it must be true because the record shows President Bush didn’t take his dog for a walk as normal on the morning of Aug 12th. So, what was he doing if not secretly visiting with Osama Bin Laden, eh?


The moon ladings – they never happened. It was a plot by the oil companies. The evidence is conclusive.


Australia – it doesn’t exist. All those people who say they’ve been there are in the pay of the CIA.


Elvis is alive and well. In fact he’s till doing gigs at a secret Nazi base set up by JFK in Antarctica. The proof is on You Tube.


Pretty soon anything and everything is a conspiracy. Nothing is real.


The public is vulnerable to this ****, most of them don’t know much about anything except for their job and their family. If you repeat something enough people come to believe it. You can see how spreading these nutty theories might be useful to those who wish our society ill.




Jim Beam

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People who propagate conspiracy theories are a motley crew of idiots, nutters, charlatans, 5th columnists and people who wish to destabalise our society.


I guess most conspiracy theorists are muddle headed loonies. But a few of them will be clear thinking people with malign intent who seek to undermine our way of life. They do this by spreading plausible sounding ‘theories’ and urban myths - like saying that President Bush and Osama Bin Laden concocted the 9/11 plot over a hot dog in a dinner on Route 66. They’ll then back this up by saying that it must be true because the record shows President Bush didn’t take his dog for a walk as normal on the morning of Aug 12th. So, what was he doing if not secretly visiting with Osama Bin Laden, eh?


The moon ladings – they never happened. It was a plot by the oil companies. The evidence is conclusive.


Australia – it doesn’t exist. All those people who say they’ve been there are in the pay of the CIA.


Elvis is alive and well. In fact he’s till doing gigs at a secret Nazi base set up by JFK in Antarctica. The proof is on You Tube.


Pretty soon anything and everything is a conspiracy. Nothing is real.


The public is vulnerable to this ****, most of them don’t know much about anything except for their job and their family. If you repeat something enough people come to believe it. You can see how spreading these nutty theories might be useful to those who wish our society ill.




Jim Beam

Reported, you should sit yourself down and study the evidence, What poo poo you contentions are, you should try and not adopt the populist view and make up your own mind.. the thoughts you convey are definitely not your own.

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