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Can I ring 101 about next doors dog barking?


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the animal control will come out and deal with this contact 0114 2037410 in the morning.

pink fairy i know that the animal control officer did come out to look for the stray but had no luck in finding the dog, best thing to do is to let them know when you see it and they will come out, sazzle x

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I feel so sorry for you i really couldn't cope with that. Im presuming the neighbours are unaproachable?


Very! I am not even going to try going down that road.


I would go round there and speak to her but I know what she's like so there is no point even bothering with her.


I just wish she had some respect for other people. There are alot of children on this road and it's not fair having a dog barking all night.


That barking is that loud through triple glazed windows! It's so annoying.

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i have dogs that live in kennels but they have always been kennel dogs and have a daily rountine, they dont bark much as thats where there used to from young what amazes me is that people think they can just put a dog out after it has lived in a home and it wont bark, when you phone the council you are put through to a adviser and sheor he passes on the details you need a officer to speak to ring again and ask to be put through to wendy owen she is a dog warden and eviromental officer if shes not there leave a message this person is cruel and that poor dog is suffering one it has no shelter, no water and its changed up, how can the owner sleep if my dogs bark ever i am straight out there to sort it out, usually the hedgehog season they think they are balls, there garden also looks dangerous loads of rubbish lying around, that dog needs removing what is it a amercian bulldog

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i have dogs that live in kennels but they have always been kennel dogs and have a daily rountine, they dont bark much as thats where there used to from young what amazes me is that people think they can just put a dog out after it has lived in a home and it wont bark, when you phone the council you are put through to a adviser and sheor he passes on the details you need a officer to speak to ring again and ask to be put through to wendy owen she is a dog warden and eviromental officer if shes not there leave a message this person is cruel and that poor dog is suffering one it has no shelter, no water and its changed up, how can the owner sleep if my dogs bark ever i am straight out there to sort it out, usually the hedgehog season they think they are balls, there garden also looks dangerous loads of rubbish lying around, that dog needs removing what is it a amercian bulldog


The dog has lived outside years like that, very often they take it inside.


I have been down all the routes of reporting it. I will try again with the information you given me, thanks.


I think there is shelter now because the RSPCA came round a couple of month ago but the chain doesn't reach to the shelter from what I can see. If you look at the end of the video the dog is trying to get further down the garden but it can't.


The woman next door called the police saying the people across the road have got a dangerous dog and the police turned up yesterday morning! They have got a staffy and last year in the summer it got out as a pup and as they chased it next doors dog jumped over a 5 foot fenced and mauled the poor thing. Absolutely ridiculous that they didn't bother going to next door when I complained!


The garden is a tip, they have rats! It's full of dirty nappies ripped up by the dog. Full of everyday rubbish. It's disgraceful!


The dog is an American Bulldog. The mother and father of it were both very viscous and I think they have been PTS now. They over bred the mother and she ended up going crazy.

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phone rspca again ,i did when we had one barking all the time .it had no shelter or water ,they did come out twice because people where sick of hearing it ,and they were sat in the house ,that dog was going crazy ,told them next time they would be taking the dog ,tell rspca you are going to get in touch with sheffield star ,because its a dangerous dog ,and could hurt some one if it gets out just hope that makes them do some think.poor dog .

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Poor dog, its been so cold these last few nights too :( It obviously needs a new home where it can be cared for properly and loved!


I wouldn't want to listen to that all day and night too!


Hope you have some luck in getting someone to take the situation seriously and deal with it. Its s shame you can't go round and have a word though but I too have neighbours i wouldn't approach so can understand that, would one of the other neighbours go round? Hope the poor dog gets some help though :(

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It's so unfair on the dog. I don't understand why they would want to listen to it. If that were any of mine I think I would be going insane!


It probably won't be let in the house until someone reports it again, but how many times can I report it to the RSPCA? Surely they will think I am making it out to be worse than what it is.


They let it in the house the other week for a few days after it attacked another dog so no-one could see it and now things have calmed down let it out again.


The thing is if you watch the video it's on a chain and can't move anywhere. It hasn't got any dishes with food or water around and it's been out 2 days.


Where abouts is it?

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The garden is a tip, they have rats! It's full of dirty nappies ripped up by the dog. Full of everyday rubbish. It's disgraceful!


do you know if they are tenants or if they own the house?


it may not be the answer to the barking/noise issue....but if the rest of the house is in a state there may be something in their tenancy that they can be threatend with.


also, surely environmental health would come out if you said there were rats and human excrement (nappies) being strewn around the garden? also id have thought social services may be interested if there are children in the house.


i hope you are able to get someone to listen and act :(




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