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Manchester airport security scanners, now compulsory, men see women naked !

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I don`t think it`s necessarily about eroticism.

Many people aren`t happy with their bodies and don`t want others to see them. I`m quite happy with mine (at the moment......) but even I don`t like the idea of someone else getting to see my meat and two veg whilst I`m stood like I would be going into a concentration camp.



I'm sorry, I just can't accept that. People need to put this into perspective and stop making up pointless things to worry about.


This is like the Swine Flu "epidemic"; people hear a story and run with it, regardless of whether it's real or not.


Again, if someone has a problem with being seen 'naked' for five seconds, they really need to deal with those issues.


Edit: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fatninja.com/storage/airport_xray_scanner-thumb.jpg%3F__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION%3D1262188984485&imgrefurl=http://www.fatninja.com/blog/2009/12/30/full-body-scanners-to-be-used-at-airports-in-netherlands.html&h=289&w=350&sz=32&tbnid=gfNXs88O7G70IM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dimages%2Bfrom%2Bfull%2Bbody%2Bscanners&zoom=1&q=images+from+full+body+scanners&hl=en&usg=__dA7MI4pbhm_1Urkw_5rVs8ixGD4=&sa=X&ei=Yk2oTJbZK5D44AbY2YnuDQ&ved=0CCAQ9QEwAg Yep - that's positively pornographic!

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You’re personalising it though and that’s not how it works, a image is flashed up for a few seconds on some remote screen and someone presses green or red for the operator of the scanner, as far as I could see the person viewing the scanned image wasn’t even in the local vicinity to match a person to a image.


I know, like I said earlier the operator doesn't know who they are looking at.

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Again, if someone has a problem with being seen 'naked' for five seconds, they really need to deal with those issues.


I assume these people don't go the swimming baths, or gym, or the beach, or anywhere else where someone could see just as much of them as in this scanner ?

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over-react much ?

Having a scan at an airport is like being marched to your death, not quite, calm down dear.



they were trialled at Schiphol and the worst part of it isn't anything to do with you're naked image, it's getting bossed around by the operator. You have to stand in a glass cubicle, put your feet spread apart on the footmarks on the floor whilst adopting a spread-eagled position with your arms above your head.


I'd rather take the tiny risk of someone getting on board with a bomb than go through those machines regularly.



Like Nagel mentioned, I wouldn`t be quite so upset by these awful scanners if I wasn`t forced to stand in such a humiliating position.

If I could stand normally, whilst sticking two fingers up at the viewer as my protest at the indignity of it, I wouldn`t mind, not quite so much anyway.

That`s the whole thing about these things, have you never heard about human dignity ? It`s supposed to be a free country.....

Edited by Justin Smith
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But you have a choice, if you don't want to go through it you don't have to, but you won't be getting on the plane.


You can go by boat, train or car instead.


That`s a fatuous argument. My brother lives in New Zealand, how else would I get to see him?

Edited by Justin Smith
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