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Wedding photography :)


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Just out of interest Kayz, how much were you looking to pay for your wedding photographer?


HarryMac makes a good point, up and coming photographers only get better through working with a pro (which costs money), going on courses (more money), hiring lenses if they havent got them already and experience, but that experience will come at a cost as they will make mistakes.


The bottom line for me is, if you want quality then usually you have to pay for it, although you dont have to pay the earth for it. If you are not too bothered about the quality of photos you will get, then take the risk on someone who is starting out.


Good Luck in your search.



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Hi Kayz, my average price for a wedding is £950, if you come into some money and want a good photographer than give me a shout!


I have a junior photographer who shoots weddings with me, I will ask him what he would charge for your day, but it would probably be better if you come up with the maximum you are willing to spend.


Just out of interest, how much did your dress cost?

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Whilst most people here have made valid points what alkyl of people customers and toffees seem to forget not everyone realises how much work goes is involved "behind the scenes" when a tigger takes a shot they may show the customer the image review, usually in bright sunlight on a small screen, how's the customer to know when they receive the finished product that that one shot may have taken 3 hours editing. All they see's a lovely photo.


Two things I don't agree with however is the statement that a newbie WILL make a mistake, just snorts of scare mongering a little, secondly there's no need fir snide comments to the OP, if you don't agree with what they're asking fair enough, but no need for cheap shots

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hey Im just as fed up mesen reading posts like this and to all other posters I dont think people realise its not just a case of shooting the images, meeting people the venue thinking out creative images all comes in but that side of photography isnt important is it :roll:

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I was going to ask that one and held back


EBay chinese wedding dress possibly?


Photography used to be part of my job and, when I was made redundant, I shied away from turning pro and went back to my original trade of fashion design, most of that now being bridal work.


It's not taken me long to realise we're all in the same boat when it comes to the 'creative' industries and it makes me very grumpy indeed!


How many of the people who want photographers, web designers, graphic designers, dressmakers and cake makers to work for less than minimum wage would dream of asking the same from plumbers, central heating engineers, gas fitters and mechanics to do the same?


Sorry OP kayz, this isn't directed at you, it's just a bit stompy-foot-not-fair when questions like this are asked so regularly!

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Love that photo. Perhaps you pass it to the moderator, ready for the next post asking the same question.


Its such a shame (although strangely reassuring) that its not just photographers that get fed-up of customers wanting work done on the cheap. Malcolm Mathieson reckoned that most photographers in this country would be better off on the dole.


Maybe its just Sheffield.

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Ok this is really cheeky but i am getting married on 2nd september 2011 and am in desperate need of a wedding photographer i really want someone to do the whole day from getting ready right through to first dance and evening do, i am not bothered about an album just all the photos on a disc but would be perfect to have an engagement shoot before :) heres

where my problem lies i dont have the £500+ budget to do this :( so i was wondering whether there is anyone out there wanting experience ie someone just starting up obviously we will pay but just havent got the £500 :(

if there is anyone who can help please get intouch as i have my heart set on a photographer :)



I have to say, I think you are lucky to find someone to do it for £500 if they are any good!

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To be perfectly honest katy what you are offering would amount to a pitiful hourly rate given what you want from the photographer. Taking into account the costs of equipment, insurances expenses and so on effectively would leave the photographer working for next to nothing.


Would you ask any of your other suppliers to work for nothing (what follows may seem a little abrupt but the point I am making is valid)


Dear *insert venue manager name here*


Ok this is really cheeky but i am getting married on 2nd september 2011 and am in desperate need of a venue and catering i really want something proper... you know the whole sit down affair. I am not bothered about a set menu and a buffet style meal would do.


Where my problem lies i dont have the *insert value* budget to do this so i was wondering whether there is anyone out there wanting experience ie someone just starting up obviously we will pay but just havent got the *insert value*.


Of course the venue manager would happily oblige hiring staff, incurring costs for no profit... in fact most probably at a loss. Katy... this is where your (and a number of other people's) problems lie.


Normally after venue hire (and sometimes a wedding dress purchase) Photography is one of the most expensive items in a wedding budget (with good reason). Your wedding photographs (assuming you are not having a videographer) are your only real lasting memory of the day and you get what you pay for.


Photographers also have bills to pay, mouths to feed and so on... oddly enough we are actually people to and have similar requirements to the rest of society. Please bear this in mind in future when you ask someone to take 3-4 days out of their own life to record one of the most important days of your life... for what basically amounts to... for nothing.



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