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Wedding photography :)


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While i totally understand what your saying

if i just simply havent got the budget i havent got

it no two ways round that. I also think

for you say it is unreasonable for me to

ask someone unexperienced to do the job then surely everyone starts somewhere and from what i have seen people employ a photographer on reccomendations and experience that has got to

be gained from somewhere so i dony believe it is unfair

i believe i am willing to take a risk on

someone starting up that will give it there all if nothing else and not someone that will charge through the roof who i am just another client



Kayz to be honest i can understand where your coming from. My partner works hard and we havent got much money but we want to get married while we are young, we just want that little bit of pleasure out of lives but everything's so expensive. I've been quoted such high prices on everything and its heartbreaking cause where some people CAN afford it we just cant and to save up it would mean waiting 10+ years to just do a reasonable budgeted wedding.

At the moment we're struggling for a photographer and transport. We've had really good quote on the transport but then some places are asking us for £500 per car.


Before anyone says anything we're hoping to have our wedding at the Garrisons hotel and my wedding dress was £200 from Monsoon so its not like we're trying to save money on everything but sometimes i think the prices charged are just impossible to fund.


I had some photos taken by a man starting out in photography at the beginning of the year and he was excellent. Its a great way to start out in the business and if i saw portfolios i would be happy to pay for people who are just starting out.

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Why not ask the photographer who took your photos earlier in the year to cover your wedding.

I have covered a wedding at the Garrison Hotel and it is a very nice place, especially if the sun shines onto the front in the late evening and lights up all the sand stone balustrades.

Good luck with your quest for a reasonably priced photographer, but I am not he.

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Why not ask the photographer who took your photos earlier in the year to cover your wedding.

I have covered a wedding at the Garrison Hotel and it is a very nice place, especially if the sun shines onto the front in the late evening and lights up all the sand stone balustrades.

Good luck with your quest for a reasonably priced photographer, but I am not he.




most of us know that you did her photos. I beleive it was a rather debated topic too. You say you are not him, this post says otherwise. Whats happened since then. Are you not taking on anymore free work?


Sorry Barry but you shot down a bride to be not too long ago and i kept quiet on that but you seem to have one rule for some, one rule for others? At least the photographers that have voiced they dont like to be taken for granted have kept singing the same tune.

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Ok this is really cheeky but i am getting married on 2nd september 2011 and am in desperate need of a wedding photographer i really want someone to do the whole day from getting ready right through to first dance and evening do, i am not bothered about an album just all the photos on a disc but would be perfect to have an engagement shoot before :) heres

where my problem lies i dont have the £500+ budget to do this :( so i was wondering whether there is anyone out there wanting experience ie someone just starting up obviously we will pay but just havent got the £500 :(

if there is anyone who can help please get intouch as i have my heart set on a photographer :)





I would be interested in doing this for you for less than your price above. I have some shots I could show you I have taken at other weddings. Please feel free to email me if you need anymore information, or with a breakdown of what you are interested in for the day, and I can contact you from there :)


Kind regards

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I don't deny taking some images for this couple some time ago. The deal then was I would take some photos and he would sort me a web site. I took the photos, but he never sorted me a web site, in fact I never heard from them again. The last sentence is separate to the rest of the paragraph. "Good luck with your quest for a reasonably priced photographer, but I am not he." Meaning I am not the photographer who will cover the wedding for less than £500.

Others lambasted me for my recent outpouring, and now you do the same when I am trying to be contrite. Make your mind up.

By the way, I am now unsubscribing from this thread as I do not want to hijack it and spoil the posters experience on the forum.

Edited by shirleyF
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I've been looking at this thread and I have noticed that the thread was started by kay.

The person I did the photos for is going by the name of fallen angel. Does this person have more than one account on here, because I thought that was against the rules. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong anyone.


aaronsmith please qualify your comment, to which shoot do you refer.

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I may be shot down here...but I just wanted to have a say.


I dont think its wrong what Kayz is requesting. She is not asking for a fully fledged, qualified photographer. She is asking for someone who maybe looking for experience and charging less to build up their portfolio.


Now I may be doing wrong here, but I work as a photography assistant and would be willing to shoot something like this for a lot less than professionals, accepted a pro's photos may be better overall, but if people are looking for good photos (opposed to getting a family member to take pictures) i cant see a problem with this.


For me it helps build up my portfolio. I have lots of shots taken as an assistant, but its the independant photography I want more experience of. People who have full or higher budgets to pay for qualified photographers most likely will pay for those costing more, so in effect trainees/starting photographers are not stealing the business, they are mearly charging cheaper prices to gain experience.


Katz i have pm you, feel free to get in touch if you are interested.


Mattsando and many others, I totally agree with what you are saying that it would not be worth it to you, but for someone like me, weddings and requests like this are ideal. :)

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Mattsando and many others, I totally agree with what you are saying that it would not be worth it to you, but for someone like me, weddings and requests like this are ideal. :)
I've no issue with people working for cheap/free, for the record. We've all done it. I was referring to the argument that always follows such a request for a cheap 'tographer.


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