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Attacks on my cat by a Bengal cat


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Einstein has gotten out 3 times now when someone doesnt know not to let him out.


He always attacks other cats, even bigger males and none of the other cat have a chance, and he always picks on a b/w white cat that lives opposite...


takes me hours to get him back in, hes a wild animal when out but if the other cats are not big enough to fight back, its their problem.


Hes fine in the house with doppler the other male cat..............just when he gets out and its night time you can hear all the cats screaming cos hes beating them up.

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well it might have sounded like i was saying there was nothing wrong with einstein being a bully, i didnt mean it that way...i keep them in the house so they cant get into fights, get killed by dogs or run over.


All i was saying was is that cats fight, they have since day 1

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Einstein has gotten out 3 times now when someone doesnt know not to let him out.


He always attacks other cats, even bigger males and none of the other cat have a chance, and he always picks on a b/w white cat that lives opposite...


takes me hours to get him back in, hes a wild animal when out but if the other cats are not big enough to fight back, its their problem.


Hes fine in the house with doppler the other male cat..............just when he gets out and its night time you can hear all the cats screaming cos hes beating them up.


I've tried to make Thiri a "house cat", but it's not working. Dexter's fine with being an indoor cat, he actively dislikes going outside, but T is far more mischievous, and just wants to explore everything. Even my next door neighbour has commented when he's out:- "He's bloomin' FULL of it, isn't he?"


The home help arrives in a morning, and as she's coming in through the door, T whizzes his way like greased lightning, out, past us, we can't close the door quickly, with safety, as we're frightened that we'll chop the little tinker in half.


T came in yesterday, bleeding, as he'd had a disagreement with the grumpy, bullying object (a grey tabby lad) that lives a couple of doors down, (He terrorises pretty much every cat in the district, does this horrible fat fleabag. He's as vile and as vicious as his ratbag of an owner!) I wasn't impressed, the fleabag cat has also attacked my friend's elderly girlie cat and given her a nasty slash on the face.

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well it might have sounded like i was saying there was nothing wrong with einstein being a bully, i didnt mean it that way...i keep them in the house so they cant get into fights, get killed by dogs or run over.


It rather came across that way which wasn't a great deal of help! However, you go to the effort of keeping them in because you know what they do if they get out. The owner of this Bengal couldn't care less what her cat is up to & doesn't seem too concerned when their little dog gets out either. :-(

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Would it be worth squirting the visiting cat with a water pistol when he's outside making a nuisance of himself jumping up at your patio doors? It may just be the (harmless) shock he needs to put him off doing it again. Can't believe the owners relaxed attitude towards it though, I'd be horrified if one of ours was doing the same thing!


Sorry, this did make me smile. We're past the water pistol stage & on to the "hosepipe on its most powerful setting". Still doesn't make any difference. But yes, you'd think the owner would give a damn - I used to think she was a nice person, we've been on speaking terms for the 9 years I've lived here. I suspect we won't be for much longer.

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Eventually we took drastic measures, locked the catflap once it was in, and then made a hell of alot of noise and scared it half to death. Never laid a finger on it, and I wouldn't try it before trying the other detterants. But anyways we let it out and it was never seen on our property again.

I'm an avid animal lover and wouldn't ever knowingly hurt any animal (or suggest anyone else does), but at the end of the day if your cats can't stake claim to their territory and are getting injured you've gotta do something.


I think that was a brilliant idea! Honestly, like you I'm an avid animal lover but I can't tell you thoughts that are starting to go through my head regarding this cat...


Thank you to everyone who's responded to this thread. At least I know I'm not alone - I'm quite surprised at how many of you have had/are having similar problems. Blinkin' cats!

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I'm absolutely at my wits end over this now. For the last 3 months my poor 10 year old small female cat has been attacked almost every day by the big, powerful male Bengal cat who lives 5 houses down. My cat has undergone a complete personality change from an easy going, affectionate animal to a twitchy, nervous one who will turn on us if we happen to catch her at a bad time. Hissing at us when we stroke her is becoming a matter of course - and that's on a double dose of Zylkene, a stress relief tablet. I spoke to the owner once and she wasn't interested. Last week I actually wrote down all the stuff we've had to do over the summer (including taping paper over the patio doors at night as it has a habit of coming round and jumping up snarling at the doors. Scares us, never mind the cat). I told her our vet bills are now into 3 figures, that we daren't even go out for a couple of hours and leave our cat outside, that the damn thing has been in the house so often we can't leave our doors open. It appears to be outside 24/7 and I know a couple of other neighbours have had problems with it. It's almost a week since I put the letter through her door and she's just completely ignored it. It wasn't an angry letter it was just telling her what our summer had been like and saying that we seemed to be bearing all the stress, expense and responsibility for a problem that wasn't of our making. She doesn't really care much about the cat (told a neighbour that she wasn't all that bothered if it was killed on the road) or her dogs, one of which is frequently out wandering (I returned it to her on Christmas Day last year). I don't know what to do anymore - I just want my cat to be able to enjoy her own garden and the neighbours gardens without coming home with chunks of fur missing. Has anyone got any ideas?


I am not a cruel person I love cats and I have 4 cats myself - but try turning the hose pipe or a glass of water on the cat everytime it appears in your garden and try scaring it away, this has worked for me in the past when a cat was fighting with one of my cats it didnt take long before it stopped coming on my garden.


Hope this works? :)

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