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I'm off sick from work and need advice!!

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Hi, just a little advice really, i have been of work sice feb 2010 cause i dislocated my shoulder, and with waiting to see a surgen and physio etc it has dragged on. Have been advised buy docs and surgen that i will be back to work no later then september. I went for a little chat with my team leader and she said that due to there new policy if i'm not back at work after 6mth, that i will probably be deployed me due to the ocst of having to ree-train me (i work in a call centre), Can they do this?

Also i have another meeting wither my team leader and HR, Can i take someone with me? i'm with the union can they help?

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Hi, just a little advice really, i have been of work sice feb 2010 cause i dislocated my shoulder, and with waiting to see a surgen and physio etc it has dragged on. Have been advised buy docs and surgen that i will be back to work no later then september. I went for a little chat with my team leader and she said that due to there new policy if i'm not back at work after 6mth, that i will probably be deployed me due to the ocst of having to ree-train me (i work in a call centre), Can they do this?

Also i have another meeting wither my team leader and HR, Can i take someone with me? i'm with the union can they help?

if i were you id definately have a chat with your union rep & see whats what
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Hi, just a little advice really, i have been of work sice feb 2010 cause i dislocated my shoulder, and with waiting to see a surgen and physio etc it has dragged on. Have been advised buy docs and surgen that i will be back to work no later then september. I went for a little chat with my team leader and she said that due to there new policy if i'm not back at work after 6mth, that i will probably be deployed me due to the ocst of having to ree-train me (i work in a call centre), Can they do this?

Also i have another meeting wither my team leader and HR, Can i take someone with me? i'm with the union can they help?


fish out your contract. If they have changed your sickness rights you should have signed to say that you agree. Then again if your contract has a clause saying your employers can change your rights at any moment I don't think there is anything you can do. Sounds dodgy to me though!

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Hi, just a little advice really, i have been of work sice feb 2010 cause i dislocated my shoulder, and with waiting to see a surgen and physio etc it has dragged on. Have been advised buy docs and surgen that i will be back to work no later then september. I went for a little chat with my team leader and she said that due to there new policy if i'm not back at work after 6mth, that i will probably be deployed me due to the ocst of having to ree-train me (i work in a call centre), Can they do this?

Also i have another meeting wither my team leader and HR, Can i take someone with me? i'm with the union can they help?


7 months seems an extremely long time to have off work for a dislocated shoulder, especially when there is no physical requirements.

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7 months seems an extremely long time to have off work for a dislocated shoulder, especially when there is no physical requirements.


I'd have thought the doctor and surgeon that the OP has been seeing would be in the best position to judge whether she's fit for work or not.

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4 months off work with a dislocated shoulder in itself seems hugely excessive. Are you on full pay?


Dislocated shoulders, whilst hugely unpleasant at the time, are not that much of a hindrance that you can't carry out none physical work.


May I ask, how are you currently spending your days? Shopping? Cleaning the house? Sitting down watching tv? How would sat at a desk with a phone headset course any more grievance to your shoulder than any of these activities?


From what you have said your work have been more than fair, and I'm surprised they've not dragged you into the office sooner to ask you in person why you feel you are still unable to work, so I got myself signed back on.


I do speak from personal experiance, I'm not just having a go. 3 years ago I dislocated my shoulder, and at the same time broke and dislocated my clavicle. I was signed off work for a month, but after 2 weeks I felt fit enough to be able to perform my job, which basically involves sitting at a desk much like yours.

Edited by Dodgyraider
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