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The Sheffield gay scene part 2


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Would anyone be interested in a Saturday afternoon venue in S8? We can offer a private bar and lots of free parking...please pm if you think this might interest you!


This sounds very interesting; as I know the LGBT licensed bar/club business inside-out, a venue in S8 is a bit far outside of the city centre to guarantee enough customers for even a monthly/weekly "Gay" night.

What WOULD work would be a monthly CABARET Night, aimed both at LGBT customers and also 'Mainstream' customers who are happy to engage in a night out with live entertainment, such as excerpts from musicals and other lipsynch or live singing classics with comedy patter and perhaps a special theme for each show; for example Rocky Horror or ABBA. PM me if you are interested in such an idea.

There should be a very good market for this, as many people are put off going to the big theatre productions except as a really special treat due to the steep ticket prices, and more people are wanting to get up off the sofa in front of the TV to see some REAL entertainment locally.

Best of Luck to your venture!



Onto other subjects, BBC radio 4 continues this week with chock-loads of LGBT programming. The Armistead Maupin season continues with MARY-ANN IN AUTUMN: See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07btfg3


And just a little later on tonight, ANALYSIS, at 8.30 this evening (Monday) features a report on GENDER IDENTITY including Gender-Variant individuals and their struggle to be recognised. See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07btlmk



See also the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-36092431


Finally, the current Book At Bedtime at 10.45 every night has an intriguing title: Monsters and Slimeballs and Showgirls

Book at Bedtime, The Bricks That Built the Houses


See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07byv7l

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Can I stick my oar in with a plea for a venue catering to queer musical tastes outside of Abba/Kylie etc? It seems that LGBT+ venues always go for them thinking it'll draw the 'mainstream' audience', but isn't that ignoring a wider clientele who probably ignore scene venues in favour of straight ones, because (like me) they don't want to tolerate that music just so they can have a drink somewhere.


When I'm in London I visit Retro Bar just off the Strand, an LGBT+ rock/glam/alt/punk venue. It has the karaoke, quiz nights etc etc, but the soundtrack is more on the New York Dolls/Peaches/Bowie axis.


In more general terms, Sheffield needs a cafe, and queer pub to complete its scene. It has a bar, and a club. What about a proper boozer?


This sounds very interesting; as I know the LGBT licensed bar/club business inside-out, a venue in S8 is a bit far outside of the city centre to guarantee enough customers for even a monthly/weekly "Gay" night.

What WOULD work would be a monthly CABARET Night, aimed both at LGBT customers and also 'Mainstream' customers who are happy to engage in a night out with live entertainment, such as excerpts from musicals and other lipsynch or live singing classics with comedy patter and perhaps a special theme for each show; for example Rocky Horror or ABBA. PM me if you are interested in such an idea.

There should be a very good market for this, as many people are put off going to the big theatre productions except as a really special treat due to the steep ticket prices, and more people are wanting to get up off the sofa in front of the TV to see some REAL entertainment locally.

Best of Luck to your venture!

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Can I stick my oar in with a plea for a venue catering to queer musical tastes outside of Abba/Kylie etc? It seems that LGBT+ venues always go for them thinking it'll draw the 'mainstream' audience', but isn't that ignoring a wider clientele who probably ignore scene venues in favour of straight ones, because (like me) they don't want to tolerate that music just so they can have a drink somewhere.


When I'm in London I visit Retro Bar just off the Strand, an LGBT+ rock/glam/alt/punk venue. It has the karaoke, quiz nights etc etc, but the soundtrack is more on the New York Dolls/Peaches/Bowie axis.


In more general terms, Sheffield needs a cafe, and queer pub to complete its scene. It has a bar, and a club. What about a proper boozer?



I couldnt agree more with you regarding a venue that caters for queer musical tastes outside the usual Abba/Kylie. I have offered to do DJing at OMG with my playlist of classic 80's and 90's music but they just don't seem to be interested. They aren't even interested in playing such classic artistes like Grace Jones, Joan Armatrading, Haircut 100 and many others too numerous to mention. On the night after Price died, I even requested to the DJ that they play one of his greats such as Sign O' the Times which is all about Aids. I can't necessarily blame the management, they are still finding their feet with such a new venue, but I do hope they will reconsider my offer to do a 80's Night...

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This sounds very interesting; as I know the LGBT licensed bar/club business inside-out, a venue in S8 is a bit far outside of the city centre to guarantee enough customers for even a monthly/weekly "Gay" night.

What WOULD work would be a monthly CABARET Night, aimed both at LGBT customers and also 'Mainstream' customers who are happy to engage in a night out with live entertainment, such as excerpts from musicals and other lipsynch or live singing classics with comedy patter and perhaps a special theme for each show; for example Rocky Horror or ABBA. PM me if you are interested in such an idea.

There should be a very good market for this, as many people are put off going to the big theatre productions except as a really special treat due to the steep ticket prices, and more people are wanting to get up off the sofa in front of the TV to see some REAL entertainment locally.

Best of Luck to your venture!



Onto other subjects, BBC radio 4 continues this week with chock-loads of LGBT programming. The Armistead Maupin season continues with MARY-ANN IN AUTUMN: See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07btfg3


And just a little later on tonight, ANALYSIS, at 8.30 this evening (Monday) features a report on GENDER IDENTITY including Gender-Variant individuals and their struggle to be recognised. See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07btlmk



See also the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-36092431


Finally, the current Book At Bedtime at 10.45 every night has an intriguing title: Monsters and Slimeballs and Showgirls

Book at Bedtime, The Bricks That Built the Houses


See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07byv7l


As long as you promise not to sing. :hihi::hihi:

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Juat a reminder that OMG club are starting a new Sunday night drag night tonight with our incredible Tyranna also in attendance (at the helm?) so it promises to be a brilliantly entertaining night - the usual offers apply ... I may trot along with my dog tonight !



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  • 2 weeks later...

As you will probably know, all of us LGBTs and allies have had a weekend of sorrow and sadness following the tragic shootings at the Pulse club in Orlando.

A vigil has been arranged in Peace Gardens, in the city centre THIS WEDNESDAY, 15TH JUNE as a dignified demonstration of solidarity and remembrance. The details are HERE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1722814587993340/


Other things you can do include wearing a black armband when visiting LGBT venues and events, and flying the LGBT Rainbow Flag at half mast, even if it is just a small toy one in your front window or on your car.


Tia Anna.

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As you will probably know, all of us LGBTs and allies have had a weekend of sorrow and sadness following the tragic shootings at the Pulse club in Orlando.

A vigil has been arranged in Peace Gardens, in the city centre THIS WEDNESDAY, 15TH JUNE as a dignified demonstration of solidarity and remembrance. The details are HERE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1722814587993340/


Other things you can do include wearing a black armband when visiting LGBT venues and events, and flying the LGBT Rainbow Flag at half mast, even if it is just a small toy one in your front window or on your car.


Tia Anna.


I don't think its just "us lgbts and allies" love, I think a good chunk of right thinking people are shocked at this one, gay straight or whatever.

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There seems to be a "hex" on the Vigils held for this sad event.


The first one was too hastily arranged on MOnday and had no PA system so the speakers could not be heard and also it was uni lgbt who were familiar with the location of Hallam square where us rest were not - in the event it was also too near the Sheffield Doc Fest and was drowned out by those people ... then tonight we had Tyrannas :love: very brave attempt at a proper vigil in the Peace Gardens which co-incided with almighty downpours of rain and so was virtually rained off ... maybe we need to try for a third event indoors if any kindly LGBT venue could provide the space and time .. OMG or Dempseys ??

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Mondays event was well planned and extremely well attended by all, not just students. Respectful speeches made and 2 songs performed by Sheffield Out Aloud made this a moving contribution in response to the recent event.


Hallam Square appears on all Tourist maps/signposts scattered around the city and easily found online in google/googlemaps.


There was space nearer the front for the hard of hearing. Standing at the back and then criticising an inability to hear seems a little ironic.


Having had a ""proper" and tasteful event on Monday, in line with most Cities in the UK and across the world, there was no need for competing individuals to try to (up)stage this by arranging ( but failing to turn up for) their own event.


We certainly don't need a third event.


There seems to be a "hex" on the Vigils held for this sad event.


The first one was too hastily arranged on MOnday and had no PA system so the speakers could not be heard and also it was uni lgbt who were familiar with the location of Hallam square where us rest were not - in the event it was also too near the Sheffield Doc Fest and was drowned out by those people ... then tonight we had Tyrannas :love: very brave attempt at a proper vigil in the Peace Gardens which co-incided with almighty downpours of rain and so was virtually rained off ... maybe we need to try for a third event indoors if any kindly LGBT venue could provide the space and time .. OMG or Dempseys ??

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