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Instructor at Ice Sheffield-Am I right to feel so angry about this?

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I don't think I am, he was really upset and worried about what I'd say whe we were being told.


I used to hate it when my parents made a fuss. He is most likely upset as he has had them for christmas and feels really bad that everyone has spent money buying the wrong ones when today should have been a fun day to try out his new skates :(


It isn't obvious that they aren't right, we could e being told this to spend some money when he might never get through this level.


Maybe ask the other kids/ parents there, what are they wearing? I personally would have asked before I bought expensive equipment. I spend ages researching anything I buy from walking coats to mobile phones :lol: I don't think the statements that you put sound bad they are just just facts, though maybe the way it was said was what has upset you?


I think the instructor has tried to be nice to your son saying that it's not his fault and that he would get used to them to try and give him some confidence in the skates throughout the session. You can always take the recommendation of the skates and buy the same ones elsewhere if you feel you are lining the instructors pocket.

If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth.If wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error JS Mill

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Firstly the shop is not connected to the rink other than it rents the shop premises from them.


Unfortunately £75 is extremely cheap for any skates.


Were the blades sharpened before they were used - you cannot skate on unsharpened skates.


Figure skates have a toe pick and an area on the blade to spin on - I am not sure if this is what the instructor was talking about when he mentioned the ridge.


My best advice is to find a friendly parent attached to the acadamy - there are some about honestly - and ask their advice.


Is it figure skating he wants to do or is he more interested in hockey, speed skating or just going on the sessions?

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From what I know of the shop in Ice Sheffield, it is owned by Puckstop who have shops in Sheffield for years,my brother has bought bits and pieces of hockey kit from them for years as have many friends and they have always been great and not always the most expensive. Unless things have changed, I'm not sure they have anything to do with Ice Sheffield apart from that they rent the space from them.

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The puck stop shop is great with very knowledgeable staff who are not out to make a quick sale and where very helpful when we saw them about skates for my son, we had advice tried stuff on did not buy anything but they where fine.


Its hard when you & your family have tried to do what you think was he best, I always try to support my kids in thier interests whether they are any good or not at least they are enjoying something not sat watching a screen .

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Never buy skates unless you have tried them on first. I played Ice Hockey for umpteen years and got through loads of pairs of skates and there were some makes of skate that I couldn't wear. I found that Bauer 4000's were perfect for me. Ok, they were hockey goalie skates but I would assume the same applies for figure skates in terms of try before you buy.


As well as the length of the boot eg size 8, skates can be bought in various widths which is just as important because a skate needs to fit like a proverbial glove as well as offer plenty of support. I haven't a clue what a "ridge" is though so cannot comment on that.


Perhaps the instructor could have handled it better, but if they have identified the skates as being the problem and hindering any progress, then it is right for them to say so. As for them suggesting the shop upstairs, its somewhere that your lad can try some on for size and I would bet that if you asked them, the instructor would probably be happy to go in with you to make sure they were the correct sort.


Yes, it could seem that the instructor is plugging the shop but I doubt it. If the skates are not the correct sort (please bear in mind my comments about having to try skates on before buying), it sounds like they are trying to do the right thing, even if they have handled it in an embarrassing manner.

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Before Christmas he (don’t know who told him, presume it was an instructor) told us that he can’t get through this level as he has Hockey Skates and not Figures Skates (note subject of a different thread), we then asked some family members to club to and get him some for Christmas.
Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems you don't know very much about a sport your kid is doing that seems very important to him. I guess you're feeling a bit guilty now and wanting to pass it on onto the instructor?


Sounds to me like you couldn't be bothered to research, or even check with the instructor, what was actually needed and you just wanted to fob the kid off with the cheapest skates you coould get, because YOU think he's rubbish at the sport? You didn't even bother to go to the rink shop and take a look first?


You seem to spend hours on here arguing about politics and posting miles long comments. Next time why not take a little time to check what your kid really needs before plunging in? Would you buy his shoes off e-bay as well? Skates and ski boots need to fit really well, and be fit for the job, otherwise you can be in agony.

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It's a pity the instructor didn't give more detailed/helpful advice in the first place. I also think he/she could have been more subtle. Kids sports are a minefield. I hope this doesn't put you off the sport at all, or your son. At the end of the day, he's getting a lot better experience, fitter, stronger, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't make it to the top flight, as long as he's enjoying it, does it? I know it's a lot of commitment and expense but I'd rather hear of parents spending a hundred quid or so on something like this, than a couple of playstation games, or whatever. Keep up with the good work!

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I used to hate it when my parents made a fuss. He is most likely upset as he has had them for christmas and feels really bad that everyone has spent money buying the wrong ones when today should have been a fun day to try out his new skates :(


I think you've hit the nail on the head here, he knew they were a present from family members and to be told this would have been quite upsetting for him.

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Maybe ask the other kids/ parents there, what are they wearing? I personally would have asked before I bought expensive equipment. I spend ages researching anything I buy from walking coats to mobile phones :lol: I don't think the statements that you put sound bad they are just just facts, though maybe the way it was said was what has upset you?


I think the instructor has tried to be nice to your son saying that it's not his fault and that he would get used to them to try and give him some confidence in the skates throughout the session. You can always take the recommendation of the skates and buy the same ones elsewhere if you feel you are lining the instructors pocket.


Maybe we should have, the problem is that we asked someone to get them for him as a present and with the benefit of hindsight we probably should have researched this a bit more before asking them to buy them as we couldn't have expected them to pay much more than this.


The problem with the Instructors actions is that she singled him out by taking him off the Ice and telling us in full view of people, I think they should have left it to the end and had a word after the session as it now makes it awkward for him to go back with the right or wrong Skates.

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