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snow p

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Everything posted by snow p

  1. I am at my wits end, our well meaning neighbour feeds the pigeons & as a result there are loads every day. They sit on the roof & fence waiting ,messing every where, they are noisy & a pest. Does any one know of any methods that are safe as have to get to roof to get rid of this problem. Note they don't seem to sit on neighbours roof but like ours. Fed up..........
  2. Just read that a landlord has been given 6 months in prison as he could not afford to pay the fines he was given when allowing people to smoke in his pubs, as he lost his job because of the conviction so could not apy the fines and then was jailed as a result ...... I do not smoke but when I see people stood outside places its daft, what about if the pubs were either smoking or not. Then it is our choice wether to drink / work there.We are aware of the risks of smoking/passive smoking if we are adult enough to drink then we should have the same option for smoking.
  3. I live on the flower estate and would like to say that there are positive changes to it. It has great local support in the community as well as local groups in the centres from toddlers to over 50,s. So thanks to all the residents who make it so.
  4. There is a disused building/centre on Wincobank Avenue and as some of the local residents have expressed an interest in taking over and sorting the building out. We could with vision admittedly have a range of clubs for all ages after school/early evening , as well as used for others meetings, drop ins etc etc. This is our community and if we want to see a positive changes then lets decide how to do it ........ If you have any ideas for funding or can offer services to assist this would be great as we are going to be looking into all options. Your help/ knowledge would be appreciated. As well as any thoughts on what u would want to see in the heart of our estate. What about it new year new start lets try to make changes to our estate....
  5. The point is is if this is how the mother acts with other people present , then I would have concerns about how she might act in the privacy of her own home. You are right to follow this up and raise your concerns. I admit to getting frustarted and annoyed at my 2 teenagers but at the end of the day they are mine and I love them to bits. And they know it and we happily spend time messing around/ chiiling out with each other. If anything were to happen to them i would be devastated. I admit that some parents do find it hard but there is help and support out there.
  6. The puck stop shop is great with very knowledgeable staff who are not out to make a quick sale and where very helpful when we saw them about skates for my son, we had advice tried stuff on did not buy anything but they where fine. Its hard when you & your family have tried to do what you think was he best, I always try to support my kids in thier interests whether they are any good or not at least they are enjoying something not sat watching a screen .
  7. Ok so lets get this right would you like your child educated by the best person for the job, and them having the chance to learn and achieve or not..... It has to be the best person for the job if they want to apply from elsewhere no matter how far away or near they live from school , they realise the travelling needed etc when they apply.
  8. listen your missing the point its YOU who is the catch, he has commitments and should feel bloody lucky that you are falling for him..... you need to say goodbye and wait for some one who loves you for you totally with out ties and baggage , its hard now but it is what yiu deserve........
  9. I think that Bruce is annoying & embarassing even the contestants and yes Anton woud be perfect
  10. I now have stopped using first unless desperate & will get stage coach and walk the extra..... its not a case of saving the pennies its pounds now & thats before the price hike. Its a pity that we can't all boycott them but not every one drives and not all routes are covered by other companies.
  11. There is a disused building/centre on Wincobank Avenue and as some of the local residents have expressed an interest in taking over and sorting the building out. We could with vision admittedly have a range of clubs for all ages after school/early evening , as well as used for others meetings, drop ins etc etc. This is our community and if we want to see a positive changes then lets decide how to do it ........ If you have any ideas for funding or can offer services to assist this would be great as we are going to be looking into all options. Your help/ knowledge would be appreciated. As well as any thoughts on what u would want to see in the heart of our estate.
  12. Ah no wiser guess I need to call an engineer hope it won't prove too expensive thank you for your help ......
  13. Can any one tell me what this means as its not in the trouble shooters guide , theres still washing in the machine doesn't look like there is any water in. I don't want to have to get engineer in .
  14. mmm sounds like right symptoms to me .....
  15. Be good if my son did miss papers but on the day that the newsagent said papers were missing as I was with him, it was just another excuse to not pay him as they said they would when he started. At the end of the day he delivered every paper that the newsagent put in the bag and was paid just £2 for 6 mornings work. At least now he has a better job with a company who does not take advantage of paper boys/girls. Every thing is in writing and we don;t get no hidden surprises, fair pay for work done.
  16. Thanks for all the messages its good to know that others are as annoyed by owners actions, nice to know that there are nice people on bellhouse road after all .
  17. He was paid £2 in total for 6 days work... but we have now a proper legimate round by the gazette who pay properly each week. They are a proper company who do not take advantage. The kids are at least trying to earn a wage and I hope that bad expierences like this do not put the kids off. Parents just be warned don't take anything at face value.
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