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Man denied benefits after leaving Spain.

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tell him to go back to spain...get rid of all his documentation...jump on a lorry and enter the country illegally......tell the authorities he's from afghanistan...then it's nice house,car and a monthly dole cheque...happy days


I was going to say that you couldn't make this up.


But you can, you just demonstrated it, completely made up and unrelated to the real world.

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Yet wagon hiding illegals get a fast track ticket to moneyville! its shocking, but ill probably be called racist for saying that i dont care!


Not a racist nor a liar - just someone who distorts the facts; twists the truth; believes the rhetoric of those with a racist agenda; or are simply too lazy to bother to actually research before making sweeping statements that are factually incorrect.


Here's one for you - recently a white bloke, getting on in years, was found guilty of murder (actually, he was found guilty of another murder to one he is already serving time for - both murders were committed when he was much younger.


So, a white male, British by birth, commited murder whilst younger means young white British males are all murderers.




It's not so wild to go from a relatively small number of illegal immigrants found hiding in a wagon or lorry equates to truck loads of illegals being bussed in to the UK every hour, filling in claim forms and getting buckets of cash, big houses etc., thrown at them by the Govt.


Trouble is - that doesn't happen on that scale (or any scale remotely close to that doomsday picture.


Apart from the angry, misguided minds of the few.

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It's worse than the wild generalisation. Young white men can be murders. Illegal immigrants can't by definition claim anything, apart from asylum of course at which point they are no longer an illegal immigrant as they've declared themselves to the authorities.

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i'm no racist.....loads of my mates have been here aslong as me....all colours...and they agree that this country moves the goalposts has far has benefits are concerned.....

you try being self-employed hit hard times and see what help you get...naff all.....come in illegal and have it thrown at you......that's what causes the unrest....and bitterness


Distorting the facts and presenting it as truth is what causes the unrest and bitterness. And, I suspect, no amount of facts and figures would sway your view of the situation.


If you listen to one voice, if you take one person's opinion, without ever trying to justify or refute the claims, then you will leave yourself open to criticism and condemnation.


That facts do not bear out your opinion. If you choose not to listen, you will always be at a disadvantage.

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I agree. Im lucky enough to be in a job i like but the amount of people ive know whove lost their jobs then suddenly being replaced with immigrants who can barely string 2 english words together is unreal. Most of my black, asian, chinese mates agree is happening to fast and in too large numbers for us to cope and the unrest will only get worse.


Employment law prevents this from happening and, if it has as you assert, then the company or companies are breaking the law and should be taken to court.


Unless the employee was sacked (which, in itself, is not as easy as it seems), then I believe there is a 6 week (maybe even a 6 month) period wherein a company cannot employ anyone in the same or similar position or role.


I could be wrong, but as you have described it, I'm pretty sure you are.


Distortion of facts I think.

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