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The London Bombings - British born bombers - Does it change anything?

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Originally posted by tots

I think it was the sun (fair enough they do exagerate), but its still scary to think that it could be happening.

yes its very disturbing but I am sure that the decent folk of the U.K will do thier uppermost to weed out these 'camps of evil'

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Originally posted by tots

Hopefully we will weed them out yes. But it's coming to something when you have to think of your safety before gettin on a bus or train, it just makes me so mad :rant:


hehe, I stopped travelling on buses almost a year ago for fear of my life, but because of chavs, gutter-snipes & pondlife that use them as a form of leisure centre :roll::hihi:

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Originally posted by tots

I totally agree angel05 - how can killing loads of people guarantee you a place in paradise - complete lunatics if you ask me


Along with a past life full of sex! Its totally mad... but i guess some people will believe anything... Like cults etc... Leaders are total brainwashers... Its a sad way to live life!

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Theres no secret bases in britain, thats mad. These guys would have popped off to pakistan or afganistan to earn their tricks of the trade ("dont just use explosives...throw some nails and bolts in there to bag extra infidels")


Amazed their folks didnt suspect anything. If you breed a suicide bomber...someone's dropped the ball somewhere. But these guys are not in any way representative.... I imagine most ordinary muslims look at these nutters as islamic versions of Harold Shipman.

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Originally posted by skny

Theres no secret bases in britain, thats mad. These guys would have popped off to pakistan or afganistan to earn their tricks of the trade ("dont just use explosives...throw some nails and bolts in there to bag extra infidels")


Amazed their folks didnt suspect anything. If you breed a suicide bomber...someone's dropped the ball somewhere. But these guys are not in any way representative.... I imagine most ordinary muslims look at these nutters as islamic versions of Harold Shipman.

i agree about there bieng no secret base,but who knows what goes on behind closed doors over here?
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If we do have secret training camps in Britain then it is up to the decent muslims themselves to reveal where they are to the authorities. The decent majority have the most to lose, as many of them left their own countries because of poverty and misery imposed upon them by fundamentalist rule.

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The problem is that we don't need training camps to teach people how to do this.


A few years ago there was a 'loner' who carried out racist and homophobic bombings in London. He was totally self taught in the construction and use of bombs.


Anyone can make a bomb, provided they can get hold of the explosives. It's not difficult - you nmight have to have some sophistication if you don't wnat to be there when it goes off but if you're willing to blow yourself up then you can be much cruder.



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Originally posted by JoePritchard

The problem is that we don't need training camps to teach people how to do this.


A few years ago there was a 'loner' who carried out racist and homophobic bombings in London. He was totally self taught in the construction and use of bombs.


Anyone can make a bomb, provided they can get hold of the explosives. It's not difficult - you nmight have to have some sophistication if you don't wnat to be there when it goes off but if you're willing to blow yourself up then you can be much cruder.



thats true joe,and there is enough info on the net if any one is determined enough to carry out an attack
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