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What motivated this judge to give a child rapist a non custodial sentence?

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Perhaps because when it comes to advocating beheadings and disembowellings some of us think the person advocationg those measures is quite likely to be a danger to society?
ermm, so not you that first mentioned disembowelling then? :confused:


No it wasn't a joke, Mr Benn might have some rigid ideas about crime and punishment which I don't agree with but some people reduce their constant snide comments to what I'd consider to be out and out bullying of the man.


Some of the right-on posters invent their own circumstances for perps and then continue to argue on their own invented premises. Like the poppy thieves, paying for fags from a wad of cash, but suddenly they were poor people reduced to robbing from injured soldiers because their children were starving. :huh:

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Why are you bleeding heart liberals so soft and apologetic when it comes to punishing criminals ?


You still here? Not got that one ticket to Saudi yet where you could get turned on by public beheadings, hangings, floggings and dismemberment?

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Originally Posted by Bazooka

So you may agree with the punishment given here in Saudi Arabia- after all, its what many people may think is deserving when acts like this are done.





.....may be this part of the Saudi law system would suit your school of thought.




And you would have kept that scumbag alive ?:loopy::loopy:


No. I made a point to the judicial punishment served out by KSA- given your attitude to Islam, you do seem to advocate capital punishment- hence this news link.


So I was making a point that YOU agree with this then as it fits in with what you posted earlier- i.e. that the rapist of the OP should swing.

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I'm often accused of being a tree-hugging yoghurt-knitting softie, but I have no idea how the judge who left the rapist free to attack another child is still on the bench. I'd have asked him some pretty hard questions, shortly before sacking him, if I was the attorney general.

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I'm often accused of being a tree-hugging yoghurt-knitting softie, but I have no idea how the judge who left the rapist free to attack another child is still on the bench. I'd have asked him some pretty hard questions, shortly before sacking him, if I was the attorney general.


surely there is a case here for the Law lords (or whoever can incease sentences) to have this sentenced overturned and replaced with a very very long prison sentence

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ermm, so not you that first mentioned disembowelling then? :confused:


Yes because Mr Benn was saying beheading was not final enough.


No it wasn't a joke,


It looked like a joke because it was taking offence at something that no one had said.


Mr Benn might have some rigid ideas about crime and punishment which I don't agree with but some people reduce their constant snide comments to what I'd consider to be out and out bullying of the man.


Where as his repeated deranged comments about everyone with an opinion to the left of Genghis Khan isn't?


Some of the right-on posters invent their own circumstances for perps and then continue to argue on their own invented premises.


You mean like your first contribution to this thread?

"On such a serious thread about leniency to child rapists, can some of the more pretentious posters try to stop trying so hard to prove to the rest of us how right on and liberal they are? Please ...


It's not funny and it's not cool."


When as I pointed out no one has done anything but criticise the sentencing or make points about the ludicrousness of other posters over reactions, like Nodens offensive remarks about homosexuals?


Like the poppy thieves, paying for fags from a wad of cash, but suddenly they were poor people reduced to robbing from injured soldiers because their children were starving. :huh:


I didn't see the the thread so can't comment.

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It probably happened because the judge was a leftie. A PC do-gooder, lentil-eating, garlic-knitting, yoghurt-hugger.


Did I get them all BENN? :)


No. You missed one!


In sentencing for the first rape, Judge Smith is believed to have considered the victim's family, who forgave the youth because of their Christian beliefs.



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Not quite, hes probably a recently converted to Islam and has a mother whos great great great great grandmother was persian, so thus is not a indigenous citizen as recommended by the BNP
OO ..OO .. OOH.. is he a veggie too ?? where's that axe ? ;)
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A shockingly lenient sentence. The original judge couldn't even tell the difference between forgiveness and justice; in bereavement counselling, I've known people forgive the killers of their loved ones because they've realised that unless they do, their lives will be a dead end of bitterness and hatred and they need to move on, but that doesn't mean they don't want justice to be done.

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