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Criticism of content of a Jeremy Kyle show


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Whilst working from home I've had the telly on in the background. The Jeremy Kyle show came on and he introduced two lovely children who unfortunately are suffering from progeria. There is no 'after the show counselling' for children like this. It was blatently an attempt to boost viewing figures . There is a thread on SF about the 'B' word - I have no prob with this as it's in the dictionary. Unfortunately I can't use it on this thread because it'll get pulled but it exists to describe people like Jezza. He has no medical knowledge and is so patronising. To just be given sweets on 'the show' is just making fun of two lovely people with a terrible illness :(

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Totally agree with you Alco, progeria is not nice and for Mr whiter than white Kyle to put it on his show is appalling, has he run out of the usual benefit fiddling drug taking scumbags and scroates ? that he is now using people inflicted with terrible conditions to boost his ratings !! :loopy::huh:

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It was one of the kids dream to meet the older one as she had only ever seen her on tv. She wanted to meet someone like herself.

The show was about people that are suffering ridicule from "normal" people and I cant see a problem with bringing it to peoples attention that these are human beings with feelings and that its not acceptable to treat them any different.


I understand that it could look like exploiting people for viewing figuers (nothing new for jerremy there) but I dont think having watched the whole program that this was the case at all and he seemed very compassionate about these people and it was when he had adults on with disfiguments that the show got down to the nitty gritty of it.

One man who was disfigured having once been a siamease twin joined at the nose went for a job and was told by the employer he couldnt have it as "he didnt have the face for it"


was a good show for a change.

Edited by hard2miss
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It was one of the kids dream to meet the older one as she had only ever seen her on tv. She wanted to meet someone like herself.

The show was about people that are suffering ridicule from "normal" people and I cant see a problem with bringing it to peoples attention that these are human beings with feelings and that its not acceptable to treat them any different.


I understand that it could look like exploiting people for viewing figuers (nothing new for jerremy there) but I dont think having watched the whole program that this was the case at all and he seemed very compassionate about these people and it was when he had adults on with disfiguments that the show got down to the nitty gritty of it.

One man who was disfigured having once been a siamease twin joined at the nose went for a job and was told by the employer he couldnt have it as "he didnt have the face for it"


was a good show for a change.

If JK had one iota of compassion in his 43 year old body (as he keeps reminding people) he would have let these poor children meet up in private. He says that he would walk hundreds of miles to see his kids who I'm sure are in very good health... I seriously doubt he'd put them on 'The show' though to talk about his gambling addiction. (I don't think he'd have to walk either) .. That would seriously increase the ratings...

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If people are staring and talking about these kids behind their backs ect then what possible harm can it be for them to show everyone that they are just kids and are just different. That way people can accept them better and not have to walk past and treat them like a specticle. Now you have seen them and seen that they are just human kids who like sweets ect then the chattering can stop and people can move on. I think it was a prudent move on the part of the parents to have the kids on the show. JK cannot force people to come on, he therefore cannot be exploiting them.

Edited by hard2miss
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Totally agree with you Alco, progeria is not nice and for Mr whiter than white Kyle to put it on his show is appalling, has he run out of the usual benefit fiddling drug taking scumbags and scroates ? that he is now using people inflicted with terrible conditions to boost his ratings !! :loopy::huh:
This has been going on for years.


I remember when we were students, the Maury Povich show had episodes like "I'm a freak, and so are you" where they found two kids with the same condition/hideous facial scarring etc and put them together so they could be 'friends' :loopy: I kid you not! It was dreadful!!

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