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Can any 16 year old get a JOB... Anywhere!?

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In the case of most supermarkets, and places like Wilkinsons, it's better to actually go into the local store and ask for an application form. Just phoning will get you nowhere in my experience. Another way, is to draw up your CV and an application letter, and address the envelope to each store and hand-deliver if possible (saves on postage more than anything).

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I agree with Anne - but make sure your spelling and grammar is okay, and when you hand the letter in, make sure it's to the manager. If somebody offers to forward it for you, politely say 'no thanks, I'll call in again later' - you don't know where they'll 'file' it otherwise ;)


PS - this is all best done stood up straight, looking neat and tidy (but don't over do it), and looking the person straight in the eye (with confidence) ;)

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Originally posted by Colonel

I have tried supermarkets, Wilkinsons, and nearly everywhere big named. Does anybody in employment know if they have any spaces themselves for a weekend job/Partime job?




You gotta ask McDees ;)
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draw up your CV and an application letter, and address the envelope to each store and hand-deliver if possible

My daughter did exactly this around all the clothing shops in Meadowhall, and got 3 job offers.


She took the one with the biggest staff discount!

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Well it worked for my brother. Back in the 80s he was at the local NCB office every week - at one point he told the staff that he was going to be a resident and would have to pay rent.


They did get sick of him and he ended up with a job. Then of course came the miner's strike, so his joy was shortlived!


But yeah, be persistent. They get sick of hearing from you eventually and will sort you out. Put it this way, if I was a prospective employer and someone had been into my office a dozen times over several weeks, I at least would know that they were keen to work rather than a dozen nameless, faceless individuals who had submitted textbook resumes.

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Have you got ear rings, long / radical hair or facial piercings?


I would advise dressing extremely conservatively and tidily before approaching firms for positions. Never wear an earring and dont wear those rediculous baggy jeans..


This info seems blatently obvious to most people but Some younger people think advice like this is stupid.

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