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Anyone ever suffered from a swollen uvula?

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Your uvula is the dangly bit at the back of your mouth. (It is sometimes confused with your epiglottis, but that’s the flap of skin that covers your windpipe when you swallow.)


Every now and again, I wake up to find my uvula has extended to three times its normal size, meaning I can’t swallow easily and breathing through my mouth is also difficult. It’s horrible! It feels like you have a massive piece of phlegm in your throat that you can’t clear, and if you have a drink it feels like you might swallow it!


Apparently it can be caused by a number of things (such as dehydration), and is often a sign of infection. However, it has usually gone back to normal by the end of the day. It is such a bizarre sensation and very uncomfortable. The first time it happened I panicked a bit, but I’m used to it now. It happens to me about once a year or so.


So am I alone? Or are there other uvula sufferers out there?

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An Ode To My Uvula


You hang there in your slimy cave

Like a slippery pink stalactite

Sometimes your soft tissues

Inflate and swell and block my throat

Meaning I can’t drink

Or eat

Or breath


I wish you would stop doing it

Aren’t you happy

Living in my mouth

You pesky little ceiling grape

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I do suffer from a long uvula apprently... which is one of the factors that makes me snore :( I think it can be fairly swollen and sore when i wake in a morning, dunno how to cure it, it just gets better during the day.

I'm having it removed sometime next year tho...woohoo!!!

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Originally posted by viking

One of my ex- girlfriends had a swolen vulva.

She used to put frozen peas down her Alan Whickers.


I just knew you would put something like that - I think it, but you always mange to beat me to it!! :hihi:


Back on topic my ex use to have a swollen UVULA after a night on the lager, that and heavier snoring also due to lager caused his to swell - needless to say he is now my ex :gag:

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HAHAHAHAHA, I had to look twice, but I thought Viking did it on purpose! I did think, eh? Would u post that? I know I wouldn't!


Sorry Pilon, never experienced it! (About the only thing on my body that's not gone wrong!)

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