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Dove & Rainbow -Whats your views

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Minibus of us once stopped there on our way back from a weekend away, 14 blokes all dressed smart casual, jeans, shirt and jumper etc. Neither chav nor alternative, just normal blokes really. The band that was due on said "I'm not playing until these have supped up and moved on". Clearly knowing where we're not wanted, we finished our drinks and went. Never been back since.

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Haven't been in ages cos my friends and I like a pool table, but now the Dove has one again, we'll definitely start going back!


Been going for years, and its still one of the friendliest pubs in town, has one of the best atmospheres, and I've got so many great memories of going in for "a pint" of Old Rosie with my mum and stumbling home about 6 hours later :D

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Minibus of us once stopped there on our way back from a weekend away, 14 blokes all dressed smart casual, jeans, shirt and jumper etc. Neither chav nor alternative, just normal blokes really. The band that was due on said "I'm not playing until these have supped up and moved on". Clearly knowing where we're not wanted, we finished our drinks and went. Never been back since.


I'm not sure it was necessarily people as you describe I had issue with, it was more thier attitude towards the more alternatively dressed people that annoyed me, I'm certainly more middle of the road in my dress.

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I'm not sure it was necessarily people as you describe I had issue with, it was more thier attitude towards the more alternatively dressed people that annoyed me, I'm certainly more middle of the road in my dress.


sadly, ive been the victim of what this chap says as well, i remember years ago being shouted at from across the street for being "alternatively dress" you know the stuff "weirdo", "freak" etc etc, i laughed it off as i thought they were just narrow minded fools, but this last year or so, now i dress "more normal" im getting stick from the "alternative crowd" and its quite upsetting, not the name calling (im thick skinned like that) but upsetting because the scene is changing so much and not for the better! people in the scene nowadays seem far to eager to be snobbish/judgmental/aggressive to people that "dont belong" instead of being friendly and welcoming them in.

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i like the place call quite often but cant understand goldenfleece slagging bankers off at every instance


Just take it from me, they are the Neighbours from Hell!!! Well some of the patrons anyway...not all by any means, but a few bad apples.... When your front door opens directly onto the courtyard at the back of the bankers, you see all sorts of incidents, believe me!!! Thats the ONLY reason and the ONLY issue I have with the premises.......its nothing against Weatherspoons as a company or any individuals who work there, but a hardcore of unruly customers who spill out the back doors on a regular basis. Only earlier today some totally wasted loud and agressive tramp appeared to fall out of the back doors, complete with carrier bags full of clinking bottles of cider..... looked like a Santa Claus who had been in rehab...and been kicked out of rehab too!!! Because the BD is so cheap, 99 pence for some beers I think, it can attract a lot of persons who would not go into other pubs.

Edited by goldenfleece
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