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Are we living in a classless society? Does class still matter?

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some people that see me on a school morning or at college may think im the local scruff bag just shover anything on a bit of foundation and thats it.

But the other day my mate from college and me was going out and she said she cant believe how lovley and diffrent i look out of college.

I think people are to quick to judge on image.

I know im not like half of the local tramps ,my house is clean,kids dressed tidy and my partner works id like to think im middle class.

Although i feel a little big headed today and will say im high class lol.


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It doesnt matter what class you see yourself as, that is just flattery to keep you going.


There are two classes only, Working class, and Ruling class.

Among the working class there are self imposed sub-divisions. It is these internal sub-divisions, and sqabbles amonst us, that serve to keep us forever in our position of supporting the ruling powers.


Be you from the lowest sink estate, or the leafy suburbs, in a million pound house, if you are not landed nobility you are a worker.

Any rights you have are only ones they allow you and they can be taken away at the drop of a hat.


Our current idyllic conditions have been fought for centuries, and they are just aching to take them away.

Every penny that you have is one less that they have, and they do not like the situation one iota.

Drop our guard for one minute and they will have us back to the fuedal system within the twinkling of an eye.


As Wat Tylers people were told 'Serfs you are and Serfs you remain'

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It doesnt matter what class you see yourself as, that is just flattery to keep you going.


There are two classes only, Working class, and Ruling class.

Among the working class there are self imposed sub-divisions. It is these internal sub-divisions, and sqabbles amonst us, that serve to keep us forever in our position of supporting the ruling powers.


Be you from the lowest sink estate, or the leafy suburbs, in a million pound house, if you are not landed nobility you are a worker.

Any rights you have are only ones they allow you and they can be taken away at the drop of a hat.


Our current idyllic conditions have been fought for centuries, and they are just aching to take them away.

Every penny that you have is one less that they have, and they do not like the situation one iota.

Drop our guard for one minute and they will have us back to the fuedal system within the twinkling of an eye.


As Wat Tylers people were told 'Serfs you are and Serfs you remain'


Somebody please burn this mans soapbox and give us all a rest!:)

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I am middle class.


And the worst type too.


I was born in a council house on a council estate.


But due to our excellent education system in the 1980's, I gained a free education through to University level.


I have subsequently done rather well and live in a nice big house on a nice estate. I even have a cleaner.


So, I have dragged myself out of the working class slums, and turned my nose up at my former fellow working class buddies and taken up with more middle class chums.


And it feels good.


Thank you Maggie Thatcher.

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I am middle class.


And the worst type too.


I was born in a council house on a council estate.


But due to our excellent education system in the 1980's, I gained a free education through to University level.


I have subsequently done rather well and live in a nice big house on a nice estate. I even have a cleaner.


So, I have dragged myself out of the working class slums, and turned my nose up at my former fellow working class buddies and taken up with more middle class chums.


And it feels good.


Thank you Maggie Thatcher.

Only people such as yourself call yourself 'middle class'.

It is a made up phrase by wannabees.

You are working class and working class you will stay, sorry but that is the way it is.

You have burned your bridges, you cannot go back to your roots, and we will not accept in our nice little villages.

You are doomed to live on barrett housing estates for eternity.

You are in a place called purgatory.:hihi::thumbsup:

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