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Riot police at Sheffield Park Academy.

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That's more than one question Br8, I counted 6 :):hihi:


I don't have all the answers Br8. If I did, I would be Prime Minister, and a better one than the current one, or any other in the world :hihi:


The answer to all your questions, and indeed this thread and many other threads, is that the way society has changed so quickly (perhaps post war, to put a date in there) in relation to the big picture, has caused this.


I personally don't think governments [and if pushed, people], have kept up with such change.


Your right change is constant, people don't change fast enough .The solutions are there but are avoided for reasons unknown. I just get pssd off that not dealing with a crack soon leads to the whole dam crashing.

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call me old fashioned ,but this sort of thing never happened when i was at secondray school -but we did have a deterent for bad behaviour- the cane .


but the nanny state knows best - treat childen as adults and give them respect .




Didn't old fashioned parenting bring the discipline that meant that cane wouldn't be necessary today?


Don't accuse me of me part of the nanny state. I despise the notion. I type and think logically and rationally. :) (most of the time)

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I've said I want in this thread.


This was a simpler explanation [salmon's post]. :hihi:


Mr Benn, just to ask one last question (and I'll turn that into 6:hihi:)


If you were a teacher, would you think it was your place to punish/smack a child because of their behaviour, if your thought that the problem was caused at home?


No but I'd hope to the have power to have them removed so the kids who want to learn can. What do social workers get paid for, and I know there is not enough money but again people don't care?

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...i hope the country erupts into civil war:thumbsup:


Do you really? Do you have kids? Is this what you'd want for them? How much bloodshed would please you?


Well I don't want a civil war, or any other kind of war, thank you. There's been too much violence already and it's very sad indeed.


The best thing the parents can do is to challenge the behaviour together, showing a united front, asians and whites, side by side, and set an example to the youngsters.

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Where I am pakistani lads roam in groups and feel safe enough in large numbers to initimidate and abuse anyone of other cultures.


I do not like the term asians as this brings Indian people into the equation. Its a bit like a white bloke being European. We dont like being called Polish unless you are Polish. I very much like Indian people and dont want them brought into this farce.


My point being is that when someone reacts towards the group they scatter at high pace in all directions, a bit like wildlife and leave the weak to fend for themselves.


They dont care if they run past some innocent lads and leave them as bate. Wound up kids dont have rules of engagement so pretending to be innocent after provocation wont wash, hence the result.


If they cant take it they shouldn't give it.

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They have not had the opportunity to get together to show a united front against violence. The manor and other areas have no community leaders and the areas that do have community leaders seem to ignore them.
it says in the star that the asian community leaders are patrolling around the school trying to stop their kids going on the rampage



the main television news seems to be avoiding the issue,i wonder how many arrests were made? the police were chasing the youths across a field at one point,im sure they will have caught some and got pictures of others,it's now time to sweep the mess up with more arrests and visits to the school and the area to wipe up the guilty ones and make an example of them

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