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Sheffield gangs. How best to solve this problem?

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gangs r mainly in rougher more deprived areas n alot of the gang members r from broken homes n troubled poor families n they aint got **** 2 do. i bet most of u hav neva experienced livin in a tough deprived area thats y u cnt relate 2 em. england duz hav ghettos btw, u eva heard of moss side - manchester, grangetown - middlesbrough, brixton - london. therz loadz, n sheffield has its own gang problems n deprived areas, u eva heard of S3 n S4 gangs, they h8 each otha n lives hav been lost due 2 guns n knives in that gang war

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im not sure that moss side is classed as a ghetto but i do see your point and i know the gang thing is going on, just because its not someone getting killed every day doesnt mean there isnt a problem, however i think that the individuals responsible for this type of violence need locking up for a very long time, i dont care how deprived an area is these scum just make that area a thousand times worse, if the losers got off their fat baggy trousered arses and got jobs maybe they wouldnt be able to pull the im so deprived and feel sorry for myself card, and use the wanna be gangster image to make them look big which quite honestly looks pathetic and childish to anyone with more than one braincell, you call yourself soldiers although you cant seem to spell it, why dont you join the armed forces if your all so brave? ill tell you why you wont because your little scared children looking for sympathy and if you had someone shooting back at you youd start to cry and curl up into a little ball and call for mummy who would be safe back home earning her drug money on west street under the watchful eye of leeroy the pimp, whos probably also your daddy. bottom line is get a job get a life and grow up you silly little boys

Edited by martyboy
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im not sure that moss side is classed as a ghetto but i do see your point and i know the gang thing is going on, just because its not someone getting killed every day doesnt mean there isnt a problem, however i think that the individuals responsible for this type of violence need locking up for a very long time, i dont care hoe deprived an area is these scum just make that area a thousand times worse, if the losers got off their fay baggy trousered arses and got jobs maybe they wouldnt be able to pull the im so deprived and feel sorry for myself card, and use they wanna be gangster image to make them look big which quite honestly looks pathetic and childish to anyone with more than one braincell, you call yourself soldiers although you cant seem to spell it, why dont you join the armed forces if your all so brave? ill tell you why you wont because your little scared children looking for sympathy and if you had someone shooting back at you youd stary to cry and curl up into a little ball and call for mummy who would be safe back home earning her drug money on west street under the watchful eye od leeroy the pimp, bottom line is get a job get a life and grow up you silly little boys

Ah now we're getting somewhere. You are talking more sense by the post.


(though I wish you'd space it better, my eyes aren't getting any better with age :hihi:)


Start by decriminalising certain drugs. Getting rid of the crackpot benefit system and replacing it with something better, and educating parenting skills.


One, maybe 2 generations, and your kids wont have to post a similar thread :)

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do you really think that decriminalising drugs will help in the long run?

so called softer drugs have been known to lead people onto harder drugs and canabis isnt what it was 15 years ago when it was pretty soft now its all skunk and bud a lot stronger than the grass they smoked then fair enough you could get hold of the stronger stuff but it wasnt as wide spread as it is now, and certain friends of mine who have smoked it for years have psycological problems mainly paranoia to the extent where one of them thinks the FEDs as he calls them are constantly monitering everything he does, which isnt much really maybe lets his dog dump in the park once in a while but it does have a negative effect over time and i can say that for everyone i know who smokes it on a regular basis

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do you really think that decriminalising drugs will help in the long run?

Absolutely. Most people that currently don't do drugs, will have no desire to take them should some of them become decriminalised. The ones that do will get cleaner purer products. And would pay tax on them, and still get them cheaper than from the people we have now. Goodbye drug dealers.


Granted a few will take things. And they may misuse them, just like alcohol today. But the outcome would be better for the majority.

so called softer drugs have been known to lead people onto harder

Of course, because the current suppliers know they can earn more money from leading people to addictive drugs.


and certain friends of mine who have smoked it for years have psycological problems mainly paranoia to the extent where one of them thinks the FEDs as he calls them are constantly monitering everything he does,

That could be partly because they know they are doing something illegal. But also in part, with just like alcohol, they aren't fit for it.


I like a 'smoke', short term I love it, but it doesn't do me well in the long term. Luckily it isn't addictive, so I avoid it for most of the time. The odd spliff aint gonna do me any harm, and I know it won't catch me, like smoking tobacco has. That's nice and legal though, so it's all good! :rolleyes::hihi:

which isnt much really maybe lets his dog dump in the park once in a while but it does have a negative effect over time and i can say that for everyone i know who smokes it on a regular basis

Perhaps as you mentioned earlier that it is chemically stuffed with extra ****. Someone sent me a pack of spliffs from Amsterdam (amazingly they got through too to me. :hihi: ) and I had absolutely no adverse effects from them.

Edited by *_ash_*
typos, this crap laptop im on, doesnt show my spelling mistakes, so I've got to use myown brain..lol
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