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Everything posted by martyboy

  1. matt1889 i understand what you are saying but isnt thet type of thing thats already been tried in our communities? Im pretty sure that projects like this have been going on for years but it doesnt seem to change the crime overall, if anything its getting worse. Maybe this is because there are more and more young people and the few bad eggs amongst them are dragging them all down, so how do we stop the good ones from looking up to bad role models and becoming gang members?
  2. yeah why not wouldnt do them any harm in the army, unless they got killed anyway and if they did would any one care really? one less stain on the pavement, only problem is they wouldnt do it because if it really came down to it there just a bunch of cowards who pick on people who cant do anything back to them and if it did come down to it in a military situation they would probably just cower in a ditch because now the bullets and bayonets and coming back at them
  3. well i see where your coming from but how many kids think their parents are cool? a good influence maybe but most kids idolise sportsmen and actors and the like, you can be the best parent in the world but if some famouse person your kid looks up to messes up the obviously its going to raise issues in their mind when suddenly the footballer theyve always wanted to be glasses someone in a nightclub its only going to have a negative effect
  4. unfortunatly it only takes one bad egg to pull good kids down you can always do the right thing by your kids but if they have a bad egg of a mate who can influence them in the slightest all the hard work youve put in would be for nothing and its these we need to watch out for
  5. bottom line is there are still people getting killed on the streets here and i dont give a castle maine **** about columbia this is a civilised country not a 3rd world gaf hole like over there if people wanna live like that they should **** off to columbia or some other dump and be big hard gangsters they all aspire to be otherwist sit down and grow up silly little big mouthed cowards
  6. yes i have nd i bothered my arse to look for one not like you horrible chav stains on society
  7. trying to sevive what? are you retarded there is no threat to life only the problems made and caused by the scum in the first place
  8. yeah it was a stand off between s35 and s6 apparently theres gonna be a spring flower arrangement competition for easter and they were having and bit of a cafuffle you see the s35 lads wanted to claim a newly planted dafodill patch to use as part of their arrangement and the s6 lads had already laid claim to it so it resulted in a massive legal arguement between the two groups which lasted for well over half an hour but eventually the s35 lads gave up as the s6 lads did have a stronger case, it almost went to court then who knows what could have happened?
  9. do you really think that decriminalising drugs will help in the long run? so called softer drugs have been known to lead people onto harder drugs and canabis isnt what it was 15 years ago when it was pretty soft now its all skunk and bud a lot stronger than the grass they smoked then fair enough you could get hold of the stronger stuff but it wasnt as wide spread as it is now, and certain friends of mine who have smoked it for years have psycological problems mainly paranoia to the extent where one of them thinks the FEDs as he calls them are constantly monitering everything he does, which isnt much really maybe lets his dog dump in the park once in a while but it does have a negative effect over time and i can say that for everyone i know who smokes it on a regular basis
  10. try pathetic loser instead of soldier or scum that might work
  11. im not sure that moss side is classed as a ghetto but i do see your point and i know the gang thing is going on, just because its not someone getting killed every day doesnt mean there isnt a problem, however i think that the individuals responsible for this type of violence need locking up for a very long time, i dont care how deprived an area is these scum just make that area a thousand times worse, if the losers got off their fat baggy trousered arses and got jobs maybe they wouldnt be able to pull the im so deprived and feel sorry for myself card, and use the wanna be gangster image to make them look big which quite honestly looks pathetic and childish to anyone with more than one braincell, you call yourself soldiers although you cant seem to spell it, why dont you join the armed forces if your all so brave? ill tell you why you wont because your little scared children looking for sympathy and if you had someone shooting back at you youd start to cry and curl up into a little ball and call for mummy who would be safe back home earning her drug money on west street under the watchful eye of leeroy the pimp, whos probably also your daddy. bottom line is get a job get a life and grow up you silly little boys
  12. i hope they build a tesco express TESCO, TESCO TESCO TESCO TESCO i love tesco, please be a 2 floor express with tv's and laptops and everthing you could ever want we need a tesco express those in favour say eii
  13. nah but it still has little scumbags who enjoy going around causing trouble because they think its cool to be like the people in for example USA ghettos whether they live in one or not
  14. if only. i think the reason why white kids immitate the ghetto dwellers is because of lack of good role models, they idolise footballers who have no respect for the power they have over young people, a disagreement with the referee is taken by a young fan of that player as a rebellion against authority and so they follow that lead and rebell against teachers, parents and even the police and all this stems from who they look upto. in young people due to rap music patially often the artist redicules the police and rymes about killing and harming and being disrespectful appears to the youngster who looks up to them as ''cool''
  15. read the thread before commenting ash hard labour like it used to be breaking rocks into cement work thats hard and unrewarding
  16. and how do we stop the do-gooders? the only way people will ever take notice is if they themselfs become a victim, most people can work out the problems we face everyday and accept theres a problem but for some people ignoring the problem is the only way they can live their everyday lifes, its the ''it'll never happen to me'' generation and the ''rehabilitation not punishmen'' fools that have caused it to get to this, where an elderly person who fought for our country feels intimidated to go to the shops because theres a gang of yobs drinking, swearing and smashing bottles outside them this country is a joke at the moment and the justice system isnt doing a thing to protect the good law abiding citezens, instead we spend millions on protecting criminals and making their lives better through training and whatever else they want so that one day they wont break the law
  17. i doubt there is a community officer and if there is then he cant be any good because if he was this wouldnt have happened as for gangs, there is a massive gang culture taking over here and to bury your head in the sand and not accept whats happening is the reason why it is happening in the first place, these groups of young people are organised in what they do for example when they see a victim they all attack them if you cant accept whats going on then im sorry to say it but i hope the gang gets hold of you and knocks ten bells out of you because thats the only way you'll ever figure this thing out for yourself
  18. hard tactics like that would never get accepted over here because of all the do gooders set on pretending that punishing bad people only makes them worse, maybe it does but it beats letting them get away with what they do
  19. sit down strap in and hold tight because the way things are its gonna get a hell of a lot worse i suggest you tell your son to join a gang bacause if he doesnt he will become a victim and the police wont do a thing untill he gets injured really badly or killed and even then youll have troouble getting anyone sentenced for it, my advice is look on youtube for a decent sized gang of trouble makers in your area, theres plenty to choose from im sure as the postcode wars are at an all time high, then ask them if your son can join. hopefully they will accept him and then he will have the protection he needed from the police which they wouldnt provide him, next you should get him to choose the right drug to take and also to sell, note never have both the same or he will consume his profits always remember that, we dont want him turning tony montanna on us, i suggest using canabis and ectasy whilst selling coke as the profits in coke are quite good this time of year and also with the current credit crunch it still seems to be doing well, next you need to choose a weapon for your youngster, i find knifes are the best weapon because although deadly they are easily concealed, silent and also the sentence isnt too bad lucky to get four year for carrying, which is better than a gun because thats slightly higher but more importantly its noisy and in a hit you dont want him to draw too much attention. then vallah your son is a product of society, dont forget to teach him never to grass on his mates also and he will turn out just fine i love this country, who says crime doesnt pay? hope this helps
  20. i think its a thing called bad parenting that caused them to throw stones for no reason at all you see the parent hasnt got the ability to teach their kids right from wrong, hence the stonethrowing i hope you didnt get hit by any, it'll only get worse over time
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