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Cannabis smoke from neighbours


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You would be hard pressed to miss it these days people do it so publicly, no way you would mistake it for cigarette smoke it is quite distinctive, rolled and burnt cabbage leaves would smell better I absolutely hate the smell :gag:


It doesn't matter to me what people do in private but when it starts to ruin other peoples enjoyment of their home then that is a different matter, and I would imagine that it could be classed as anti social behaviour by the council.


People who have this smell permeating through their home have my deepest sympathy, I know that I just couldn't live with that and would probably end up having to move if it wasn't dealt with



Seems it's like Marmite.. you either love it or hate it.


I don't use it myself but must admit I love the smell. If they lived next to me it wouldn't bother me too much. If you don't like it though then it must be hell.

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Seems it's like Marmite.. you either love it or hate it.


I don't use it myself but must admit I love the smell. If they lived next to me it wouldn't bother me too much. If you don't like it though then it must be hell.


Perhaps so :hihi:


Blimey you should swap houses with the OP I bet that would make his day, and you could sit all day enjoying the heavenly smell of fresh cannabis :gag::hihi:

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I agree. They are commiting a criminal offence (BTW, how do you recognise the smell - I wouldn't know Cannabis if I smelled it). Contact the police. Chances are if they are smoking canabis they are also up to other illegal acts and using other drugs as well.


Up to other illegal acts? That's rubbish - Far more people smoke than you obviously realise... Less harmful than alcohol, similar effects without the sickness if you have too much, all this makes it popular with many people from a multitude of backgrounds... Unlike other drugs there doesn't have to be any abuse of others human rights in the supply chain... Most canabis users only use canabis... Sorry to get on my soap box, but sweeping statements and daft generalisations smacks to me of Daily Mail thinking, and that's not a good thing!!!


That said, if my neighbours were making my house smell, I would report them if a quiet word first didn't work... I had a neighbouring house that was rented out to a bunch of industrial temps - their sewage outlet had cracked, and the landlord didn't want to know, so I reported him to the council - Took them 4 months (throughout the summer, so very very stinky!!!) but the eventually forced the landlord to repair it...

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I agree. They are commiting a criminal offence (BTW, how do you recognise the smell - I wouldn't know Cannabis if I smelled it). Contact the police. Chances are if they are smoking canabis they are also up to other illegal acts and using other drugs as well.


Probably downloading Films and Music from Bittorrent. THE WORST CRIME EVER!

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