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Prince charles and the 3 degrees

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No he didn't! He quite liked the lead singer - Sheila Ferguson I think her name is, but she has stated in several interviews that she 'did not want to become another notch on his bedpost'


Can't imagine he had that many notches!

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Originally posted by Hels

No he didn't! He quite liked the lead singer - Sheila Ferguson I think her name is, but she has stated in several interviews that she 'did not want to become another notch on his bedpost'


Can't imagine he had that many notches!

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Who knows what our 'wacky' Prince got up to in his youth? Perhaps an affair with a member of the Three Degrees cannot be ruled out. Charles was in the Navy for a while, and naval types enjoy a reputation for lust. I once read of how he was taught to make Bread and Butter Pudding by rough and tough sailors. He obviously had a very distinguished career, and 'all the nice girls love a sailor'. However, cruel rumours abound that Charles 'took his turn in the barrel'; a rather unsavoury tradition of our Royal Navy. If true, that would cast doubt upon his rumoured attraction for Sheila Ferguson, and indeed explain a great deal about a great many things. Not that I like to gossip, of course.

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Originally posted by scottf

I thought charles was a bit of a cad when he was younger? Breaking hearts all over the world?


R well, you need a heart to break in the first place.(referes to the Ferguson woman)

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Originally posted by timo

Who knows what our 'wacky' Prince got up to in his youth? Perhaps an affair with a member of the Three Degrees cannot be ruled out. Charles was in the Navy for a while, and naval types enjoy a reputation for lust. I once read of how he was taught to make Bread and Butter Pudding by rough and tough sailors. He obviously had a very distinguished career, and 'all the nice girls love a sailor'. However, cruel rumours abound that Charles 'took his turn in the barrel'; a rather unsavoury tradition of our Royal Navy. If true, that would cast doubt upon his rumoured attraction for Sheila Ferguson, and indeed explain a great deal about a great many things. Not that I like to gossip, of course.


Have just 'Googled' for 'turn in the barrel'; well, you learn something every day! Not sure if they'd still use an actual barrel these days, but if not, it could explain Charlie's ears being so big! :D


I, like Timo, am not one to gossip either (as regular forummers will know), so will keep further suspicions to myself! :D

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