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What is the Speed Limit on Carlisle Street?


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I cycle along here every day and judging by what I see I'd put the speed limit at around 60mph :rolleyes: The term 'limit' is misleading because at times (think residential areas, schools etc) then speed should be appropriate and, in my opinion, no more than 20 mph. I'm a realist though and whilst this will bring about howls of protest from the usual suspects, I don't see many alternatives to speed cameras as we have several generations of motorists who believe they have the right to drive as fast as possible, irregardless of the consequences.


Bring your speed down and save lives!!

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Ha Im glad this came up. I was doing exactly 40 on that street after coming off a 40mph road below it and the signage was obscuard. I took pictures to court but had to plead guilty as I never argued about the speed but just the signage.


its stupid, the prosicutions argument was that there are street lamps and I should have known, but I pointed out that so did the 40mph road id just left which were of the exact same dimentions.


I stuck exactly to the speed limit as I always try and was punnished for the highways incompitance to keep on top of the sign posts.


if it was the same reason you was done then ill stand as witness if it helps


It's not stupid, it's the law. You had changed roads and knew there were no speed limit signs on the new road, so instead of following the highway code you chose to carry on at the speed limit set for a totally different road.


If your unsure and don't know the highway code, do 30 until you see a sign telling you otherwise for that road - let those who know differently or are ignorant overtake you, it's their blood pressure.

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It's not stupid, it's the law. You had changed roads and knew there were no speed limit signs on the new road, so instead of following the highway code you chose to carry on at the speed limit set for a totally different road.


If your unsure and don't know the highway code, do 30 until you see a sign telling you otherwise for that road - let those who know differently or are ignorant overtake you, it's their blood pressure.


And what if you come off a 40mph road into a road with no signs, do 30mph and find out that it was actually a 20mph road (You missed the sign, the sign was not there, there was a large van blocking the sign, ....) Well?

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Well we've all gone onto roads where there's tons of signs for everything else but no speed limit sign, it's just common sense to do whats 'probably' going to be right - the only alternative is to pull over and sit there till someone puts a sign up :lol:


I've done 30mph on a dual carraigeway before now because there were no signs, with traffic over taking me, yes you feel like a bit of a twonk, but I didn't get done.


But then you drive on Penistone Road, Dual Carraigeway, doing 30mph, that you know is the speed limit, and you still have cars overtaking you - so you can never base what is right or wrong on other peoples driving.

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But then you drive on Penistone Road, Dual Carraigeway, doing 30mph, that you know is the speed limit, and you still have cars overtaking you - so you can never base what is right or wrong on other peoples driving.



I think most people believe that Penistone Road is a 40 (or more judging by the speed they overtake at, giving us careful law abiding drivers frosty glares as they past :hihi:) I would love to drive past them moments later when they have been pulled over by a police car, although this very rarely happens.



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