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Is it legal to copy CDs and give them away?


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I'm just wondering if it is legal to make a copy of a CD and then give the CD away. I know you're allowed to make 'back up' copies of CDs in your collection. But was wondering what would happen if you no longer owned the original. I can't decide whether it would be legal or not, but thought it might be as you had paid for the CD in the first place, so it's not like it was just piracy (or is it?)


I want to copy my CDs and donate the originals to charity, because they're cluttering up my house and I hate clutter! If I just had copies I'd put them in sleeves rather than cases, this way they would all fit in one small box. A friend suggested just throwing away the original cases, but it seems a shame to do that. Plus I'd be donating them to a worthy cause, so in my eyes there's a doubt benefit in doing it that way.


I know most people who have a few copies don't get caught, but was just interested to know where I would stand legally if I did this, and I can't seem to find anything relevant to my particular (proposed) situation doing an online search, so I thought I would ask on here...

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Thanks! I just wondered now people can download music (paid for) if this might fall under the same sort of rules, providing you had paid for it in the first place. I think it should, as the next owner would also be paying for it. Oh well!

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Who has told you that "you can make backup copies" of CDs ?

This is wrong and against the law.


From my point of view, popular CDs have never been so cheap. I can buy stuff so cheap second hand from Amazon that it is hardly worth copying anyhow.


I have no idea where I first heard it. But I was under the impression you were allowed to back up what you have bought as long as you're not doing so to sell them.



Anyway, question answered now. Thanks!

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Backups aren't technically OK in this country - it's a popular misconception. In some country they are expressly permitted, but not here. Quite what a court would do if you really only had an unauthorised copy for personal use, I'm not sure. Hopefully common sense would prevail.

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Not according to the copyright notice printed on all of my CDs and DVDs. Something like "any unauthorised copying is prohibited".


thats why i said...its a grey area and is "hush hush allowed"

like taping off the radio was, and taping a program off the telly.

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yes its ilegal to copy if your going to give the origenal away once you are no longer the owner of the origenal then the copys become ilegal they must stay together at all times.So once you sell or give away origenals then in theory you should destroy all copys

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Is it legal to pinch the "free" CDs given out in the likes of the Daily Mail, copy 'em, and then give the original to the nearest Charity shop?


Er, yeh.. Probably not...


*gets coat*

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