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My mum burgled today in broad daylight

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Thanks everyone, that's what I keep thinking, thank goodness she didnt come down and confront the pondlife. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, with the dementia/memory thing, we don't know if she forgot to lock the door. The whole dementia thing has come as a real shock to me and my bruv - our mum is a spirited, sparky, independent lady and we really thought she was doing OK and would be able to live fairly independently for a while longer but now I'm worried that this may be the beginning of the end of her independence. Where she lives is semi sheltered, perhaps it is obvious that older people live there. As I said, it's not the money and handbag, its her lists that are irreplaceable and they have NO monetary value to anyone

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That's disgusting. What kind of world do we live in? Some people are heartless and it makes me feel physically sick. Its a horrible feeling knowing someone could actually do something like that to someone you care so much about. Hope your poor mother is okay and hope this absolutely despicable excuse for a human being is caught and given their just desserts.



Whats that in todays world, a slap on the wrist and a do not do that again or you will be in serious trouble next time,it is time this country stopped pussy footing round these low life scumbags(well i suppose i had better stop there at risk of being jumped on by the do good brigade)

I do hope your mum is ok and she gets back the items that this thing has taken.

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somebody must have seen them but some people just like to ignore things and not get involved with other peoples bussines for fear of attack,and the thieves know this thats why they do it in broad daylight with the confidence that no one will ask questions.

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Yes its the dementia that is really upsetting. We were pickpocketted on the metro in France so I truely understand the sickening thing. I realised afterwards that the people who stole from me were a couple with a young baby in a pushchair, they backed the pushchair into us, and we did not notice the chap thieving. I would never have suspected them if I saw them, and perhaps thats what people who may have seen the thieves thought too. Does not make you feel any better though.

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I hope your mom is ok after this terrible ordeal...my mom suffers with alzheimers so i know where youre coming from having to deal with your moms dementia...i hope they catch whoever did this..but i doubt it.....what i'd like to know is would all these so called 'do gooders' still respond to situations the way they do if they had been burgled or attacked or someone close to them had it happen to them..i wonder if it would be a case of ' the boots on the other foot'?? same with the judges who hand out stupid prison sentences or fines etc etc...once again..hope your mom recovers from this pretty quickly...

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I am so sorry to hear about what has happened. I live in the Hunters bar area and I always think I feel quite safe. I often leave the back door open and unlocked. This is the second post in a week that there have been a burglery in the area, a guy had had 2 of his laptops stolen, I think he was endcliffe park area. I am often walking in the area so I will keep my eyes peeled for any bags or personal possesions that may have been disgarded in peoples gardens. My sister had her purse stolen earlier this year, she didn't car about the bank cards or money it was all the personal things that she was so annoyed about, fortunatly her purse was found a week later abandoned on some allotments near to her house. All her personal things were still in there. So there is still hope. I will keep my eye out for anything. Where abouts does your Mum live? Do you think it's a coincidence that the crime rate increases in the area when the Fair and the Circus come to town? Hope your Mum is ok. Give her my love.

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Sorry to hear that. I work for a company where i need access to peoples house sometimes and the amount of people who dont check my id is unbelieveable. One time i knocked on a door and the woman shouted from upstairs "who is it" i replied and she said " im just in the shower, help youself the back doors is open"......couldnt believe my ears. I told my boss just to cover myself but people need to check and double check everything before letting anyone into your house even if they have got viz clothing on doesnt make them official.

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