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United have a bigger, better squad?


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its going to take alot of effort and less injurys, a full season with sodje and jeffers then who knows. jeffers fit could get 15-20 goals and maybe sodje if he can continue how he left off. i dont expect much better than mid table but if the decent players can stay fit and get some a couple of quality loan signings like last season then could be a better season than last.

its never a wasted season cb:thumbsup:

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It should be was, not were by the way.


The modern definition of forum is 'a place of discussion.' Now you and Stockers had been having a rather heated discussion that reminded me of two lasses arguing over a bloke. I decided to defuse the never ending rant with a little humour that was obviously completely lossed on you.


Can you please tell me where, in the definition of Forum that it states that someone else cannot put their two penneth in as and when they wish, subject to the rules of the forum?


Lighten up my old flower, it could be worse, you could be a blunt. ;)



I do know my English. A 'were' speaking like somebody (should be someone) from Sheffield normally speaks. (Should be 'would speak normally').;)

I have tried decent conversations on here and have been accosted by plebs. I've stopped trying.

I never said that no one can 'put their two penn'orth' in. (You said pennerth);)

I tried to introduce a thread to post 'garbage' on, but it fell by the wayside. Most people, it seems, would rather spoil any thread they choose to.

I apologise again.


I like your postings Crookesy. UTO :thumbsup:

I'm a light as a feather and totally relaxed, thanks.


Have a great season!:|

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No incorrect


with Beattie we are a better side


Christ you are easy

With beattie in your side you struggled to a 2-2 last season


The OP said it all mate

"i dont remember seeing james beattie playing that match"

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That would be a wasted season AGAIN


And last season brought your lot what exactly???



Decent cup run......NO


Local derby's bragging rights..........:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Think about it

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And last season brought your lot what exactly???



Decent cup run......NO


Local derby's bragging rights..........:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Think about it


Just did think about it....Decent Cup run...YES

How was your Cup run ?


Local bragging rights...Not quite but how you bottle a 2-0 lead against your fiercest rivals kind of took a lot of your bragging rights away...Still no Sheffield doubles for the pigs since Christ was a baby :hihi::hihi:


4 o' clock in the morning now Briggy, You must have had loads of punters in the pub tonight and extra glasses to wash :D


P.S. How do you get into Europe from League 1 :huh::loopy:

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Christ you are easy

With beattie in your side you struggled to a 2-2 last season


The OP said it all mate

"i dont remember seeing james beattie playing that match"


I was there and my OP makes perfect sense ...I didnt see beattie playing, If he had been it might have been a different story than a 2-0 pig win, get it now thicko :hihi::hihi:


Struggled to a 2-2 draw :huh: more like you lot bottled it but what a brilliant free kick from BT to sicken you lot :hihi:

Anyways will love you and leave you Briggy, got work in the morning and it involves a bit more than washing and shining up pint pots ;)

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And your significant games were what???

Your lot bottled it against us last season and we came out on top GET OVER IT


And can you imagine what might have happend if your lot had put in a bit more effort last season!!!

We were always going to struggle and did bloody well to finish where we did

Your lot were looking for promotion


give over...We were never looking for promotion...

We had a brillaint run at the end of the season to give us hope for this season.

You lot had a late run a couple of seasons ago and thought you would be top 6 and looked what happened to you this season, barely stopped up :hihi:

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Just did think about it....Decent Cup run...YES

How was your Cup run ?


Local bragging rights...Not quite but how you bottle a 2-0 lead against your fiercest rivals kind of took a lot of your bragging rights away...Still no Sheffield doubles for the pigs since Christ was a baby :hihi::hihi:


4 o' clock in the morning now Briggy, You must have had loads of punters in the pub tonight and extra glasses to wash :D


P.S. How do you get into Europe from League 1 :huh::loopy:


Are you taking the preverbial???

You just can't buy it can ya:hihi:


You get into europe with either a passport and an expensive holiday or like Millwall did and qualify via the F.A Cup

I Know they have limited english football coverage where you are but please do try to keep up:hihi:



Its the championship.....NOT league 1:loopy:


Where is Little One?

Suddenly he seems intelligent

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give over...We were never looking for promotion...Nobsor saw to that.


We had a brillaint run at the end of the season to give us hope for this season.

You lot had a late run a couple of seasons ago and thought you would be top 6 and looked what happened to you this season, barely stopped up :hihi:


So you never thought promotion was a possibilty?

You were happy looking forward to a season without nothing to shout about

And the only thing you were looking forward to was kicking our arse and your lot couldnt even manage to do that!!!


Well worth it then:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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