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Blackpool Tower sized windfarms

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Please stop Barnsley Council allowing one of the biggest windfarms ever built in Britain and destroying Sheffield's beautiful countryside. This proposal is on Barnsley land but affects Stocksbridge and Deepcar hugely. Sheffield must wake up to what Barnsley MBC is up to.

In May 2008 a planning application was submitted to Barnsley MBC for the erection of five 410ft (125m) wind turbines across the hillside between the Stocksbridge valley and Penistone. They will be sited from the top of Underbank Lane across the hill to Cranberry Crossroads and beyond visible by everyone on the opposite side of the valley in Stocksbridge, Deepcar and Midhopestones.

The proposed wind turbines are HUGE, and will be some of the biggest in the country. To put it into perspective, each turbine will be nearly the height of Blackpool Tower! In a local context they are almost 2½ times bigger than those already sited at Royd Moor on the way to Huddersfield. This means digging out the earth to site them, destroying wildlife (badgers, bat, birds) and widening roads to get the structures in. They'll distract motorists on one of Britain's most dangerous roads and shouldn't be permitted. The action group which has been founded is not against green energy - just in the right place.

Anyone wanting more info should check out the Protect Sheephouse Heights website or PM me for links.

to find out how to object before its too late.

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Get real. If you want our countryside to be destroyed then go ahead. These windfarms are ineffective and in other parts of Europe (which woke upto green power long before us) they're turning back to more traditional power methods. These things just don't do the job. It might ease your green conscience and it might meet eco quotas for hard-pressed councils but other than that it's a big, fat waste of time at a huge environmental expense.

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Get real. If you want our countryside to be destroyed then go ahead. These windfarms are ineffective and in other parts of Europe (which woke upto green power long before us) they're turning back to more traditional power methods. These things just don't do the job. It might ease your green conscience and it might meet eco quotas for hard-pressed councils but other than that it's a big, fat waste of time at a huge environmental expense.


Facts to back that up please. Would also appreciate if you kept the insults out of it. We're allowed to have different opinions I'm afraid, the world would be a very boring place if we didn't.

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They'll distract motorists on one of Britain's most dangerous roads and shouldn't be permitted.


They possibly shouldn't be on the road if they can't drive past a few tall structures without losing control of their vehicles? Personally I'd rather have wind farms than most other forms of electricity generation.

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I'll be objecting, I hate those windfarms in areas of natural beauty.


Not wonderfully beautiful up there and very rarely (if ever) visited. Seems like a good idea to me. Not that visible from Deepcar and a fair bit of Stocksbridge.

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