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Everything you have eaten today

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Last night. 2 glases Britvic 55.




Breakfast. Poached eggs on toast. Fresh orange juice. Coffee.


Lunch. Dorade with salad. Ginger beer. Coffee.


This evening I am cooking Spaghetti Bolognese. Nice and quick as were are off to watch a rock band later on.

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Yesterday- no breakfast.


Lunch was various breads with oil and balsamic. Asparagus and pea quiche with a lovely spinach, rocket and tomato salad. Lemon and blueberry jelly with berries and ice cream. Plus a pint of Black Sheep.


Tea was mushroom and tarragon pie with a huge salad and crusty bread, plus three pints of Pale Rider.


It's quite easy to see I dined out for every meal yesterday isn't it :hihi:

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Fish chips and peas at dinner time, and a burger for tea, nowt like eating healthly is there.

I might even order a kebab later if i fancy one lol.

Saying that playing football in this temprature at the moment i need a good bit a food the old belly.

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I tried a taste of humble pie, but I soon spat it out! The aftertaste is terrible!:suspect:


I didn't know trolls had taste buds.


Last night. 3 bottles J2O




Breakfast. Scrambled eggs on toast. Fresh orange juice. Tea.


Lunch. Cheese and chicken melt. Salad. Ginger beer. Coffee.


This evening I am cooking a steak pie with new potatoes and carrots.


Out later. Well it is Friday night.

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B: didn't have time so grabbed a slice of chocolate cake when I got to work with 2 coffees

Lunch: no time to make so bought a sausage and onion sarny from the greasy spoon down the road.

Dinner: on my own so no idea, probably soup and a sarny

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out of curiosity am i the only one reading these thinking Hmm i might make that for tomorrows dinner and ooh not had that in a while might have that tonight lol


Not at all. A couple of years ago I hadn't even boiled an egg and was encouraged by this thread and by Ednakrabappe to give it a go. It turned me into a bit of a foody and I often get ideas off the thread.

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