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The Rotherham Ministry of Food

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I thought the first programme was truly awful and I really did feel it did 'Northerners' no favours at all. That's not JO's fault though, he isn't the one who edits the programme. As for the prominent people in the programme - they played up to the cameras making out they were totally ignorant about food just to get on the show.


There's lots of people out there though who don't know the basics of healthy eating and are easily misled by advertising and food labeling. Any help that JO can give has got to be good even if a smaller number of people benefit than he'd hoped for.


When money is tight it's quite understandable that some people will be reluctant to experiment with new dishes in case they don't turn out right and sometimes you have to buy a much larger quantity than you need so in the short term things can be quite expensive although in the longer term home cooking works out a lot cheaper and healthier than ready meals.


I'm not sure JO started at the right level - but because we only see the edited 'highlights' it's difficult to tell. The Ministry of Food in Rotherham is a brilliant idea and I really hope it goes from strength to strength. Educating people to eat healthily is obviously something very close to JO's heart and he's put his own money into it (yes I know he'll be hoping to recoup some from the sales of his book) so it's quite an important project for him. He's taken risks in the past - when he took on 15 youngsters to train as chefs - no-one else in his position has done anything like that. He's the first to admit he isn't academically very acomplished and I think he feels more at home with people who have had a raw deal and have been written off by society. Coming to Rotherham, meeting up with people he knew were against healthy eating and getting them involved takes a lot of guts and all he seems to be getting is a lot of negativity. Most other people in his position would just say 'sod yer' and go home to his family and his business where life is easy, but he's sticking with it (for now) so perhaps a lot of people ought to meet him half way and at least give it a try before slagging him off for at least trying to do something positive.

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Most other people in his position would just say 'sod yer' and go home to his family and his business where life is easy, but he's sticking with it (for now) so perhaps a lot of people ought to meet him half way and at least give it a try before slagging him off for at least trying to do something positive


totally agree bonny :)


i couldn't understand people's attitudes either.....guess its a territorial thing.....he's the outsider and has to put up with whatever's thrown at him until they realise he's not a threat and actually there because he cares.

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I thought the first programme was truly awful and I really did feel it did 'Northerners' no favours at all. That's not JO's fault though, he isn't the one who edits the programme. As for the prominent people in the programme - they played up to the cameras making out they were totally ignorant about food just to get on the show.


Exactly. It's not his fault. It would also be pretty pointless to have people who are already eating well and who have a healthy lifestyle on the programme. So I'm afraid the people on there are always going to be the unhealthy, ignorant section of our community. Which of course you can find in the northern or southern half of the country. Maybe his next project should be in Kent or somewhere. Or a large housing estate in north London?


I think what he's trying to do is brilliant. At least he's bothered which is more than can be said for most of the people he's trying to help.

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I think also the only one who has shown them self up is the lady who put the food through the railings for the kids. The others have held their hands up and said we have to do things different and make it better. Not her though. Oh its a load of rubbish, it wont work, blah blah blah. Its people like her involved in these things that make it less likely to work.

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I think also the only one who has shown them self up is the lady who put the food through the railings for the kids. The others have held their hands up and said we have to do things different and make it better. Not her though. Oh its a load of rubbish, it wont work, blah blah blah. Its people like her involved in these things that make it less likely to work.


It's people like her that drag the north down! Not the Conservative government the all love to blame!

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Out of interest I wonder how many bashing the programme are the ones who could do with being on it. To be fair if you want to be unhealthy thats your own problem. But there are people out there who want the help and want to learn how to cook better for their children. So while your brandishing your sword think about the children that will get a better diet out of the project. This will be be benficial to them long term and probably help a lot of other problems. Concentration as well as obesity and a lot of special needs problems have been helped by a better diet. Just because some of you think you are above such a scheme dosent mean it cant help others. There has already been a massive turn around in the two first women in the show. The most appaling thing is there isnt something already in place to offer this to familys who need it.


Well from my point of view me and hubby have allotment, I haven't bought any veg for ages, make all my own jam. When I'm off work I cook everything from scratch and try and put stuff in the freezer for tea after a day at work. I never buy ready meals as such only the occasional meat pie or quiche but I think i can be let off for that:thumbsup:

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My last post on this one. Although I find the programme patronising I bought the book yesterday and it does have excellent recipes. I'm used to cooking and there's new ideas for people like me and also excellent beginners stuff.


If you like simple cooking its the book for you.:thumbsup:

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Well from my point of view me and hubby have allotment, I haven't bought any veg for ages, make all my own jam. When I'm off work I cook everything from scratch and try and put stuff in the freezer for tea after a day at work. I never buy ready meals as such only the occasional meat pie or quiche but I think i can be let off for that:thumbsup:


So why would you find such a programme patronising that teaches people without the skills you have to do it themselves?

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